Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Animal Testing Controversy Essay Example for Free
Animal Testing Controversy Essay Each year, millions of animals suffer and die in the process of inhumane testing for the purposes of drug and chemical research, and medical experiments and training exercises. Animals including cats, dogs, rabbits, and mice are force fed harmful substances that are infected with lethal viruses causing reactions like brain damage, strokes, and heart attacks. Not only are these experiments painful to the animals and sometimes fatal, but also they fail to accurately reflect human reactions and are not required by the FDA. The primary reason why animal testing should cease to exist is because it is inhumane to strip a helpless animal of its rights for the benefit of experimentation and research. Animals have a basic moral right to respectful treatment . . .. This inherent value is not respected when animals are reduced to being mere tools in a scientific experiment.†(Lonestar) While animals cannot express themselves as humans can, they can feel, think, behave, and experience pain. Their inability to express themselves should not be taken advantage of. While the FDA encourages manufacturers to conduct whatever testing is necessary to ensure the safety of their products, it does not specifically require the use of animals. (FDA) The FDA actually encourages companies to consider alternatives before deciding that testing on animals is necessary. They advocate that research and testing for products use a maximum amount of useful scientific information and a minimal number of animals tested. When testing does occur, they advocate for the most humane methods available. The Food and Drug Administration supports the Animal Welfare Act and the Public Health Service Policy of Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. If companies are not required by the FDA to test their products on animals, there is no reason that it should be a method that is resorted to for experimentation. Not only is animal testing morally incorrect, but it is also not the most effective method to conduct research on products to be used by humans. In fact, 92 percent of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail to tell us that they are too dangerous or ineffective on humans. (Do Something) When conducting an experiment for safety and efficacy on animals, the purpose is to try the product on a living system before exposing it to a human. But the complicated living system of a human being barely compares to that of a helpless small animal. For example Aspirin and chocolate are harmful to cats and dogs while they remain completely unharmful to humans. There are many alternatives that can be used in place for testing on animals. â€Å"Alternative†tests are those that meet one or more of the standards of the â€Å"three R’s: They replace procedures that uses animals with one that doesn’t, reduce the number of animals used in the procedure, or refine a procedure to alleviate or minimize potential animal pain. (DoSomething) While not all of the ‘R’s’ are a complete solution to animal testing, putting any of the three in place would make a significant impact on the lives of many animals. As citizens and consumers, there are ways that we can stand up for the cause of the animals being tested. Many animals are harmed in the process of experimentation for educational purposes. We can demand that our alma maters stop using animals for this purpose. Buying cruelty-free products is something that can be done as a consumer to take away business from companies that test their products on animals. We can make sure that when donating to charities, we choose those that dont experiment on animals. As citizens, we can request from our government legislation that requires alternatives to animal dissection and the immediate implementation of humane, effective non-animal tests. (PETA) Opponents would have you believe that it is okay for animals to be tested on so that humans and sometimes animals would suffer less in the future, however, â€Å"We should be concerned about how animals are treated in research, and [†¦] eliminate the number of animals who suffers†(ASPCA). Researchers are concerned only with their results and not the harmful process it takes to get them. It is clear that not only is animal testing cruel and necessary, but ineffective. However with alternatives to testing and strategies of protest, it’s possible for us to begin to diminish animal testing.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Unexpected Critiques in Walden Essay -- American Literature Thoreau Es
Unexpected Critiques in Walden In Walden, Henry David Thoreau utilizes many different styles and themes to explain his ideas about shelter in further detail. Thoreau uses lists, long and short sentences, imagery, and different narrative voices. But out of all the things Thoreau uses to strengthen his argument, the most powerful is his unexpected comparisons and his sarcasm towards shelter. Thoreau uses these to get the reader interested, but more importantly it gets the reader to reconsider his/her contentment and think about how ridiculous society was then concerning shelter. Early in "Economy", Thoreau writes about shelter in regards to how humans first came to use and later need shelter. The passage starts off by explaining how some person a long time ago decided to dwell in a cave for shelter. Through Thoreau's word usage and imagery, his idea that humans do not need shelter is clear. He starts this argument with the topic of child rearing. He states that since a child "loves to stay out doors, even in wet and cold," the instinct to have shelter is not biological (Thoreau 28). It must be something that is taught to children, most likely from observation. At the same time no one, even Thoreau, knows where and how this instinct originated. He just knows that "in the infancy of the human race, some enterprising mortal crept into a hollow in a rock for shelter" (28). In using words and phrases like "primitive," "the infancy of the human race," and "most primitive ancestor" the reader understands how important shelter has become to the human race because it is so deeply rooted in human's minds (28). From here Thoreau dives into a long list of how humans have developed their shelter over time, from "roofs of palm leave... ... afford just to be "civilized." He states all the, "benefit[s] of the improvements of centuries, [like] spacious apartments... [and] Venetian blinds" (31). He finishes off this long list of expensive luxuries with the main idea of this passage: Why is the civilized man making himself more poor by renting while the savage lives in relative luxury in his "wigwam." Thoreau's main tools in persuading the reader are his uses of light sarcasm and comparisons and critiques based on animals, savages, and civilized people. When backed up with logical reasoning, these two tools make the reader really step back and think about his/her happiness in regards to shelter. In making the reader reevaluate everything about shelter, Thoreau keeps the reader interested and in turn, the reader keeps on reading the book. Which, in fact, is all Thoreau really wants in the first place.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Listo System Essay
Introduction Listo system is a recognize graphic service company which deals with all the graphic related programming having a long successful history. Due to the persistence effort of management, the company got a tremendous achievement in a very short period of time and in early 1990’s the organization become one of the top graphic service companies in the globe. Different factors have encountered the company in different ways. The technological advancement, change in consumers need and demand, competitors are the major components affecting the listo system. The impact of power shifting from the Seller to the Buyer As Listo system has been growing tremendiously in the graphic designing world but the company was not able to cope with the market growth appropriately. The above case shows that company was not able to utilize the Latest technological invention in the best effective way so they are not able to produce the goods and services according to the customer needs and demand. By viewing the lacking in the market, different competitors emerges and occupy the vacuum created by the listo system. Latest technology also helped the competitors for the production of the quality product which met the consumers taste and preferences. This create a extreme competition in providing the quality of goods and product in a reasonable price between the competitors. Today’s customers are so much aware about the quality and price of the product. So, the availability of the substitute product leads to increase in bargening power of the customer and to consume those goods and product which are of high quality with a reasonable price. Employees are the most valuable assets of any company. But the listo Company was not able to satisfy their employees in different aspect. Employees satisfaction and motivation leads to the profit maximization of every business firm. Different training, incentives, rewards, and encourgemnt need to be given for every employees so that they will give every possible outcome to the organization. Listo fails to serve these things but focuses only on the profit and market optimization. Lacking the proper researches relating to the customer’s choice and preferences in the graphic designing field by the company leads company to lose its market share. Similary, a company lacks visionary leadership who can easily trace out all the future possible problem in advance and prepare the necessity strateg y to strengthne the market leadership. Thus, a company compel to shift their power to the customer. External Factors Affecting Listo System There are various External factors that affect the listo system. They are explained below: Technological advancement The latest invention of different technology helped the listo system very much in different sectors. With the latest technology, they are capable of producing the services in very short period of time using the available resources in the best effective way according to the need of the customer choice. Quality of products can also gradually increases with minimum inputs that will decrease the price of the product can be a market leader. Customers Expectation Customers are the one of the most important factor that affect the listo system. Different factors need to be considered by the listo system inorder to get the customer attraction. Different customers have different choice and preferences to satisfy their need the listo system has to produce such a product that meet the all their expectations. Competitors We cannot control any activities of our compititors but we can build different strategies to cope with the action taken by our competitors. Many competitors have emerged in the graphic designing sector which is creating great competition in the market. This leads the company to provide the best quality products and services to its customers in reasonable price than other. 1. Listo Systems: The Challenge of a Growing Organization Defining the Context Listo Systems, one of the world’s top graphic service companies, was established in the 1990s when technological advancements were increasing and creating a more competitive market. After going through a period of great success and growth, the company decided to hire a number of new employees and adding new layers of managers and supervisors. Defining the Key Issues or Problems The main issue is that Listo Systems has been growing too quickly, and the company has not been able to cope with this growth appropriately. Due to this situation, causal variables such as lack of proper training for new employees, management becoming less concerned with workers’ opinions and more concentrated on production and profit have eroded. As a consequence, there has been a lack of clearness regarding the company’s objectives and goals, and as a result of this there have been intervening variables such as decreasing employee motivation and productivity which provoked personnel turnover rate to increase and amount of sick days taken doubled. Applying Concepts Organizational Level 1: Key Players (Stakeholders) and Business Ideas (Purpose) In this level, â€Å"(†¦) implementing business ideas in the internal and external environment is affected by the stakeholders, key players, or factors whose helping or hindering roles determine success or failure to the organization.†This level involves establishing, refining and monitoring the vision of the company so it can synchronize stakeholders and key players with the business ideas and purpose of the organization.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay about mariettashaw - 1054 Words
Personal Success Plan Checklist and Worksheet Walden’s PersonalSuccess Plan offers students a blueprint for professional and academic success. Life can interrupt even the best made plans, but the Walden University staff and faculty are here to help. Use this checklist and worksheet to seek and use your newly acquired academic knowledge with the additional resources we provide for your success. Under each category you will find many components that you can use like a checklist. Then you will find a space to fill in some information about your goals in this category. Talk about your plans in this area: have you already done this? What do you need to do? How will you do it? When? Finally, at the end of this document is a†¦show more content†¦Discuss what, how, and when you’ll accomplish these tasks as part of your success plan. (address at least 2 of these) If my computer goes out I plan to go to the library or the local community college to complete any coursework Professional Guidance Establish a financial plan for your time in college. Consider your program and potential career path during and after your degree. Update your resume (Walden’s Career Services offers a free software called Optimal Resume). Identify and catalog your professional skills; determine what skills are necessary to obtain your professional goals. Sign up for a Walden Career Services Webinar. What are your plans for Professional Guidance? Discuss what, how, and when you’ll accomplish these tasks as part of your success plan. (address at least 2 of these) I have updated my resume and Ive also signed up for Walden Career Services Webinar Time Management Schedule an appointment with your advisor, and look closely at your competing obligations. Contact and review resources on time management at Walden’s Career Services Website. Utilize time between terms for designing an action plan; work to make school a crucial space in your intellectual life. Make steps to create a space for learning in your life, and never miss an opportunity to gain useful knowledge when it is presented to you. What are your plans for Time Management? Discuss what, how, and when
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