Wednesday, October 30, 2019
What are the essential differences between Prometheus(as he is Essay
What are the essential differences between Prometheus(as he is portrayed by Hesiod) and Loki as he appears in Scandinavian myth - Essay Example On the other hand, Loki was malevolent since his intentions were purely to cause suffering to others (Schnurbein, 112). Prometheus was a god of fire, who stole fire and gave it to mankind, an aspect that then brought civilization that was against the will of his family gods, because the god Zeus wanted to obliterate the human race but his plans were destroyed by Prometheus. Therefore, Prometheus was subjected to eternal punishment where the eagle would feed on his liver daily, â€Å"not only for stealing fire, but also for destroying Zeuss plan (Peretti, 194). Loki however applied his intellect in a totally different way. His mischievous intellect even enabled him to sneak his way up to becoming a god when he was not even deserving, and through his malice, he became â€Å"responsible, though indirectly, for the death of deaths of other gods†(Schnurbein, 117). There is little evidence to suggest even that Loki ever stole fire, but there is much evidence to the effect that his malicious ways brought a stir amongst the gods, and he was finally sentenced to punishment which he really deserved. The other essential difference between Prometheus and Loki is in relation to overall effects of their actions. Prometheus overall consequences were beneficial, but Loki’s overall consequences were destructive (Lamberton, 41). This is because; Loki was a selfish and egocentric god, who did not stop at anything to ensure that he succeed in his mischievous ways. Loki sided with his family against the other gods, and he set himself on a path of causing destruction to the other gods, even though little evidence exists to suggest that he deserved to be a god. He pursued his mischievous plans to the end, and saw the destruction that he intended to happen accomplished. Thus, even after being sentenced to imprisonment, his mischief did not end there. He was supported by his wife
Monday, October 28, 2019
Education For Life Essay Example for Free
Education For Life Essay Education For LifeThe basic purpose of a liberal arts education is to liberate the human being to exercise his or her potential to the fullest. Liberal arts plays an important role in developing individuals and the world. When students attend liberal art colleges, they will understand the essence of humanity and will learn to shape and develop personal values. For a person to develop, he needs to understand the essence of humanity. When you attend college, your view on the meaning of life changes. You live for your minds and spirits and not just for the security of material wealth (Urbanek). You start to do things related to your work as this is your interest. This will make you care less about material wealth and you will focus more on the benefit of the world than the benefit of yourself. Liberal arts means arts of freedom. People learn about things that interest them. This makes the experience of learning better. Students will recognize the value of material things for what they are (Urbanek). They will start challenging tasks of design where they would learn how to translate ideas into actions. They will get to know the depth, flexibility and openness of their thinking and will also be able to recognize the importance of their thinking. Taking these ideas into consideration, I can say that liberal arts teaches people global responsibility, social awareness and self development, which is the essence of humanity. Thus, when the essence of humanity is known, then only a person will be able to acquire personal values. The value of liberal arts was appreciated by the students in older times but contemporary students do not share the same sentiment. In 1900, 70 percent of college students in US attended liberal arts colleges but today fewer that 5 percent do. The idea has taken hold by educators that todays youth are more materialistic, less idealistic and more self interested than their predecessors (Richard). In 1997, Yankelovitch survey focused on high school students and their parents, found that 85 percent of the high school students and 74 percent of their parents stated that the goal of college is to get a practical education and to secure a job. Furthermore, only 14 percent of the students and 27percent of their parents were even familiar with what a liberal art education is. Todays students tend to be career oriented, impatient and focused in material rewards (Kahn). People do not know that liberal arts can offer a clearer understanding that work embodies the values of courage, honour and responsibility. Liberal art colleges expose you to a variety of academic disciplines and an excellent background for future work. The education gives you the ability to adapt to a changing environment, communicate effectively, think critically and solve complex problems, which can prove very useful in everyday lives. As you acquire personal values throughout your college years, it is important to learn how to shape these values. I believe that the central purpose of liberal arts education is to shape the values of people. The impact of liberal arts education on student value change is conclusive in determining whether higher education is effective in achieving this central purpose. According to a survey conducted at the University of California at Los Angeles, 8 out of 10 academics said they were spiritual, and 64 percent called themselves religious. More than half of the faculty members said that it was important to enhance undergraduates self-understanding and to develop their moral character and values. I think liberal arts is a great way to teach people their spiritual and moral responsibilities towards the community and world itself. Humanitarian values are defined by acceptance of value equivalency between ones own loyalties and those of all other individuals and groups, as well as respecting the rights of others to freely express similar claims and loyalties without infringement (Hollway). Values serve as guiding principles in the life of a person or other social entity and thus, it is important for people to learn how to shape these values. Values are described as serving the interests of some social entity, motivating action, giving direction, and having emotional intensity (Hollway). Therefore, these values are needed for the development of individuals. When individuals possess these values, they will be able to use them in their society. Employers around the world are looking for people who possess these values and have the ability to use them. Hence, liberal arts students will satisfy these employers. These students will also find opportunities to learn more as their primary goal is not material wealth. This will help countries to better their economy. These values will benefit the students themselves as well as the world. Once a person understands the essence of humanity and learns to shape and develop values, he will be able to make changes to the world. Liberal arts students have the skills to become valuable community members. They make decisions, solve problems and communicate the solutions to others. Liberal arts prepares these students to be successful throughout their life. WORKS CITEDUrbanek, Jennifer. The EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Kahn, Beverly. Co-opting The Market Place. Journal of Higher Education: p. 19. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Richard, M. The Practical Path, Too, Can Be High-Minded. Chronicle of Higher Education: p. 11. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Hollway, Michael. A Comparison of the Impact of 2 Liberal Arts. Journal of General Education: p. 237. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
William Godwins Attack on the Law :: European Europe History
William Godwin's Attack on the Law Laws: We know what they are, and what they are worth! They are spider webs for the rich and mighty, steel chains for the poor and weak, fishing nets in the hands of government. - Proudhon1 On the surface, William Godwin's Caleb Williams (1794) is merely an entertaining murder mystery and detective story. The tale of an unfortunate servant who learns the truth of his master's past and flees for fear of his life, it has thrilled generations of readers. However, Godwin designed the work "to answer a purpose more general and important than immediately appears on the face of it."2 Written immediately after the publication of Godwin's first and most famous work, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (1793), Caleb Williams serves as a vehicle for Godwin to introduce his philosophy to the general public. The issue he addresses in the novel is that of "things as they are... While one party pleads for reformation and change, the other extols in the warmest terms the existing constitution of society."3 There can be no mistaking Godwin's position. He uses Caleb Williams to launch a full-scale attack against things as they are and "the modes of despotism by which man destroys his own kind - principally through prisons, law, and wealth."4 The law plays a particularly important role in the novel. It affects almost every major character, always aiding the oppression of the weak by the mighty and serving as a tool of tyranny. Godwin's opinion of the law is as interesting as it is extreme. His goal is to force the reader to "conclude universally that law is an institution of the most pernicious tendency," as he argues in his Political Justice.5 In his attack on the law, he makes use of common criticisms of the law from the late eighteenth century that were more often used as a call for its reform than for its abolition. In addition to these, however, he introduces arguments that successful reform is impossible and that the law by its very nature will inevitably serve as a tool of injustic e, tyranny, and oppression. Godwin's attacks on the law occur continuously throughout Caleb Williams, as its complex plot slowly evolves. The first victim of the law is the tenant farmer Hawkins, whose pride leads him imprudently to offend his landlord, Mr. Tyrrel. When Tyrrel orders him to abandon his farm, Hawkins's pride again gets the best of him and he refuses: "I have got a lease of my farm, and I shall not quit it o'thaten.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Runaway Slave on the Underground Railroad Essay
The heat here is terrible. Sticky, thick heat that sticks to your skin and clothes and makes it hard to breathe. The mosquitoes only make it worse. They don’t even wait for nightfall to come out anymore, but buzz around all day and torment us out in the cotton fields. I’ve got welts from their bites all up and down my arms and legs, and I’m afraid it won’t be long before there’s a yellow fever epidemic. As you know, it’ll be the babies that go first if that happens, poor little things. Clara just had her fourth last month, and Ether had her third just this week. There’s no rest for them, though. No, they had to be up and in those fields again the very next day after giving birth, carrying their little babies with them. You know we have to work from dawn to dusk, with only a short break to eat in the middle of the day. The overseers are always watching us, always so quick to strike out at us with the whip if they think we’re slacking off or not working hard enough or fast enough. We get so hot and tired and thirsty in those cotton fields, but there’s little in the way of relief except for a barrel of water with a ladle we all get to share from. I wish I was one of the house slaves, then I could be out of this heat and sun beating down on my back. The house slaves are treated a lot better than we are. They get to raise the white children and cook the meals and do the laundry, and become almost a part of the family. Oh, those white children love their black nannies! But I guess I’m not smart enough or pretty enough to be kept in the house. I’ve got another baby on the way, my second. I hope this one lives. I’ve determined to get out of here. I can’t go on like this. I hear there are people who will help. You’re lucky, Aunt, that you had a kind master who gave you your freedom, and that you found a good man to marry and take you up North where you can be free. If I find a way out of here, can I stay with you until I find work and a place to live? I’ve got to go now and take this letter to the house slave from the farm next door who will mail this for me. I can’t let anyone see me go, and I can’t let anyone know I can read and write a letter. That’s illegal here, did you know. Slaves aren’t supposed to be educated. So, I’ve got to sneak over there in cover of darkness. I hope to write to you again soon. Your loving niece, Libby July 17, 1853 Charleston, South Carolina Dear Aunt Betsey, The house slave from next door I told you about, remember him? His name is Milton. He’s the father of my baby, but as you know, slaves aren’t allowed to marry here. Anyway, he tells me he knows some people who will help me escape. They’re good people, he says, white people who hate slavery. They will get me off the plantation and to a safe house somewhere. Then the people at that house will get me to another house, and so on, all the way up to the North. I’m going to tell them that I want to go to my aunt Betsey Martin’s house in New Bedford, Massachusetts. I hope that’s all right. I hear New Bedford has a large population of us colored folks, and that we live right along with the white people there, side by side (McKivigan, 1999). I also hear there are good job opportunities, and that my baby can go to school with the white children. I don’t know when all of this is going to take place, so I can’t give you a time yet that I might be there, if this all works out and I don’t get shot trying to escape, or dragged back here to be whipped nearly to death, or worse. I admit, I’m scared of what might happen, but I have to try, for me and for my baby. Milton says he will follow me, as soon as he can. Your loving niece, Libby September 23, 1853 Ashville, North Carolina Dear Aunt Betsey, Well, I did it! I escaped the plantation. Three nights ago, I snuck over to Milton’s farm like I always do. I had packed a little bundle of most of my belongings that I slung over my shoulder. It wasn’t much. Just one other dress (my good one), some handkerchiefs, a hair brush, and some hard tack to eat, that was all. I knew if all went well, I wouldn’t be coming back. I won’t miss that plantation at all. I have no ties there, as you know. No family, since I was sold from the plantation where my mama and papa and brothers and sisters were 5 years ago. They sold my brothers and sisters at the same time as me, and I have no idea where they went. I guess I should count us lucky we got to stay together until I was 13. Not many slaves are that lucky. I’ve just been living in a cramped cabin with 5 other slave women with no family on the plantation, and they don’t care much what I do. They know I have a beau next door, and they keep quiet about my comings and goings, as most of them have beaus of their own they have to sneak out to see. At Milton’s farm, there were two white men and a white woman waiting inside Milton’s cabin. Milton lives on the edge of the property, near the fence, so no one from the house was likely to see the horses standing outside the cabin, and all the lanterns were blown out to make it extra dark besides. These white people were there to take me to a safe house in North Carolina. They had a horse for me, and some food in a little basket. I said my good-byes to Milton as quickly as I could, and he promised to come to me as soon as I was settled. Then, I got on my horse (I was scared, as I’d never ridden a horse before) and followed the white people on their horses into the woods. In two days, we came to the home of a nice store keeper and his wife, and they hustled me inside, where I’ve been staying in a nice, clean, cool bedroom with a real quilt on the bed and a wash basin to wash my face in the morning and water to drink whenever I want it. The woman of the house even gave me a new dress to wear. I’ve never felt so good, so clean. I’m to stay here until a new group of people comes to take me to the next stop. The woman of the house here said I’m now on the Underground Railroad. That’s what they call these safe houses along the way to the North (â€Å"What Was the Underground Railroad? †, n. d. ). The Underground Railroad. I like the sound of that. It’s the Underground Railroad to freedom. Your loving niece, Libby October 6, 1853 Alexandria, Virginia Dear Aunt Betsey, I think I am getting closer to you. One of the children in my new safe house showed me a map of the United States and showed me where I am now and where you are. On a map, it does not look so far away, but I fear the journey is still many miles yet. There was such a commotion in North Carolina, you would not believe! About a week after I escaped the plantation, a group of armed men came riding through town, putting up signs with a drawing of me on them, announcing a runaway slave and a reward for my return. The woman of the safe house dressed me up as a man, and hid me in her attic until the men had ridden through town, just in case they should come inside looking for me. They did not come in, thanks be to the Lord, but they did ask a the door if anyone had seen me. I was so afraid I would be given up for the reward, but these were good people who were protecting me. I never went outside the house, even to go to the outhouse, so there was never any chance of being seen and recognized by one of the townsfolk (I had a chamber pot for my use, and it was the job of one of the children to empty all the chamber pots every morning). I don’t remember how many days I was in the North Carolina safe house. One night, though, two free black women came to get me, and we walked together into the woods. We walked and walked, sleeping during the day and walking at night when it was easier to be invisible. They told me I was lucky, that most slaves who escaped the plantations didn’t have anyone to help them until they got further north. They said the Underground Railroad didn’t have too many operations in the South, at least not yet, and that most slaves were on their own in getting to that first stop on the Railroad (Blackett, 2002). I was lucky to have Milton, who knew the right people. These free women lived in New York state, but they were former slaves themselves, and they made it their business to help other slaves to escape to freedom like they did. They said they made many runs along the railroad to collect people, like they were doing for me. We must have walked for a week, but I lost track of the exact amount of time. Fortunately, I’m not showing in my pregnancy yet, so I don’t have a huge belly to carry around with me, and I can still run pretty fast when I have to. We’ve been lucky in that we haven’t encountered those men who were looking for me, and the only thing we ever had to run from is the occasional skunk or wild boar. I think god is looking out for me on this journey. We got to the next safe house in Alexandria in the middle of the night, just like before. This time, it was a family of Quakers who took me in. Quakers are some of the most active Christian abolitionists involved in the Railroad (Wallis, 1983). I found that I was not the only slave waiting to be taken North. There were six others waiting, three men, a younger boy who was almost a man, and two women. We stayed all together in the barn, but it was a nice barn, clean and full of sweet-smelling straw for us to lay on, and we were fed three large meals a day. We didn’t have to do any work. The family wanted us to learn a different way of life, one where we didn’t have to do all the work all the time. They wanted us to experience getting waited on. I must admit, it was strange, but it felt strange in North Carolina, too. I liked it, but I think it’s going to take some getting used to before not doing everything myself begins to feel anything less than strange. Your loving niece, Libby
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Belonging Related Text Essay
George Orwell’s essays – related text ‘Marrakech’ explores the notion of ethnocentricity through a Eurocentric perspective, in which one is isolated at the consequence of differing morels. Orwell succeeds in doing so through various anecdotes â€Å"What does Morocco mean to a Frenchman? An orange-grove or a job in government service. †In essence this displays the failure of a migrant to withhold a deeper connection to the land. Orwell emotively describes the crippled elderly women who â€Å"answered with a shrill wail, almost a scream, which was partly gratitude but mainly surprise†, as a response to the charity he provided her with. The dramatic reaction displays her sense of alienation from her own homeland, at fault of those who are foreign, yet awfully powerful. This is furthered through the description of â€Å"the shy, wide-eyed Negro†where through his ignorance, he â€Å"has been taught that the white race are his masters, and still believes it. †A sense of melancholy pervades this essay through the harsh truth â€Å"How much longer can we go on kidding these people? †displaying the indigenous peoples disconnection to a place that was originally theirs. While ‘Marrakech’ explores the notion that one does not belong to their homeland. This is juxtaposed through ‘Shooting an Elephant’ with Orwell’s alternative experience of belonging. Through Orwell’s ambivalence we see the highly controversial understanding of â€Å"the hollowness.. of the white man’s dominion in the East. †It is ironic that a â€Å"sub-divisional police officer†should feel self-conscious with such authority. Controversially he â€Å"was all for the Burmese†juxtaposed to the grotesque imagery of his deepest desire to â€Å"drive a bayonet into a Buddhist priest’s guts.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How To Increase Conversions And Brand Loyalty With Roger Dooley
How To Increase Conversions And Brand Loyalty With Roger Dooley What kind of experience does your brand create for customers? Is it simple and seamless enough to keep them coming back for more? Or, do they find their experience with your brand frustrating, cumbersome, and time-consuming?  Today, my guest is Roger Dooley, author of Friction, which describes things that prevent customers from having a great experience with companies and their brands. Each year, about $4.6 trillion of merchandise is left abandoned in eCommerce shopping carts. Also, internal friction (i.e., organizational drag) is responsible for $3 trillion in lost productivity. Most important element in behavior change process: Friction How to eliminate, minimize, or use friction to your advantage Reasons why people leave things in their shopping carts All routers are the same; awful experience for â€Å"normal†people Reviews and Rankings: In a market dominated by giants, address pain point that other companies aren’t to be successful Worst advice can be best practices Friction Goggles: People tend to accept things and don’t see where friction exists Actively Disengaged: Effort isn’t productive, serving a greater purpose Don’t shift the load; find ways to improve processes, and stop wasting time Software and tools help eliminate friction Acceptance of Fake Rules: This is the way things are done, or it has to be done Difference between friction and motivation; operate in opposition due to choices  Links: Roger Dooley Friction College Confidential Brainfluence The Persuasion Slide Amazon 1-Click Ordering Uber United Airlines Harvard Business Review: Reduce Organizational Drag Cisco Netgear TurboTax Tom Peters John Padgett BJ Fogg AMP132: Why Best Practices Are The Worst Advice With Jay Acunzo From Unthinkable Media What topics and guests should be on AMP? Let me know! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Roger Dooley: â€Å"Extra effort or unnecessary effort changes behavior.†â€Å"If you look at the reasons why people abandon stuff in shopping carts, almost all of them are friction-related.†â€Å"In a market totally dominated by giantshe saw a pain point that they weren’t addressing. He addressed that pain point and ended up being very successful.†â€Å"Your customers are not dogs. If you make them work a little bit harder, they will go someplace else.â€
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cartoons essays
Cartoons essays The cartoons of this century have been very ground breaking and funny. Cartoons that have made many people laugh and cry. These cartoons that force us to use our imagination and our emotions are ground breaking cartoons. Cartoons are drawings that artist draw and are put together at very high speeds. Cartoons appeal to all ages and makes us all laugh. Cartoons appeal to our emotions and to our funny bone. Everyone remembers Saturday morning cartoons in which you would get up at 8:00 just to watch cartoons. The characters in cartoons are very diverse. Cartoon characters have varied from dwarfs to small mice. Some cartoon characters have special power such as superman who can fly and has super speed. A character such as Voltron is a machine and consists of many different sections. Many characters were the first the world has ever seen. Cartoons such as Scooby-Doo were the first of its kind. A none-too-brave Great Dane named Scooby-Doo joins four teenage sleuths (Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy) as they travel the countryside in their van, the Mystery Machine. As this cartoon progress Scooby-Doo is joined by a fearless pup named Scappy-Doo who seems eager to take on any monster. Scappy-Doo was a very good addition to the Scooby-Doo family says creator of Scooby-Doo Iwao Takamoto. In their travels Scooby-Doo and the gang would encounter many mysteries that seems unsolvable. By the end of the show Scooby-Doo and the gang as foiled the plans of the bad guy and save the day once more. The characters in "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!" were inspired by both the "I Love a Mystery" radio show, and the cast of the TV sitcom "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis." The innovative production design was by Iwao Takamoto. Twenty-five episodes were produced for this initial series, which aired in 1969-1970 as the anchor of CBSs Saturday Morning line-up. Scooby-Doo was an instant ratings success, and ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
4 Icebreaker Activities for Use Year Round
4 Icebreaker Activities for Use Year Round A positive school climate improves outcomes for students, especially those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. A positive school climate also contributes to academic achievement. Creating a positive school climate that offers such benefits can start in the classroom, and one way to start is by using icebreakers. Although icebreakers do not outwardly appear academic, they are a first step to building a positive classroom climate. According to researchers Sophie Maxwell et al. in their report The Impact of School Climate and School Identification on Academic Achievement in Frontier Psychology (12/2017), the more positively students perceived school climate, the better their achievement scores were in the numeracy and writing domains. Included in these perceptions were connections to a class and the strength of relationships with school staff. Fostering feelings of trust and acceptance in relationships is difficult when students do not know how to talk to each other. Developing empathy and making connections come from interactions in an informal environment. An emotional connection to a classroom or school will improve a students motivation to attend. Teachers might use the following four activities at the beginning of school. They each can be adapted to refresh classroom collaboration and cooperation at various times of the year. Crossword Connection This activity includes visual symbols of connection and self-introductions. The teacher prints her name on the board, leaving some space between each letter. She then tells the class something about herself. Next, she picks a student to come to the board, tell something about themselves and print their name crossing the teachers name as in a crossword puzzle. Students take turns by saying something about themselves and adding their names. Volunteers copy the completed puzzle as a poster. The puzzle could be written on paper taped to the board and left up in the first-draft form to save time. This activity can be extended by asking each student to write their name and a statement about themselves on a sheet of paper. The teacher can then use the statements as clues for class names made with crossword puzzle software. TP Surprise Students will know you are full of fun with this one. The teacher welcomes students at the door at the start of class while holding a roll of toilet paper. He or she instructs students to take as many sheets as they need but refusing to explain the purpose. Once the class begins, the teacher asks students to write one interesting thing about themselves on each sheet. When students are finished, they can introduce themselves by reading each sheet of toilet paper. Variation: Students write one thing they hope or expect to learn in the course this year on each sheet. Take a Stand The purpose of this activity is for students to survey their peers positions quickly on various matters. This survey also combines physical movement with topics that range from the serious to the ridiculous. The teacher puts one long line of tape down the center of the room, pushing desks out of the way so that students can stand on either side of the tape. The teacher reads a statement with either-or answers such as, I prefer night or day, Democrats or Republicans, lizards or snakes. The statements can range from silly trivia to serious content. After hearing each statement, students agreeing with the first response move to one side of the tape and those agreeing with the second, to the other side of the tape. Undecided or middle-of-the-roaders are allowed to straddle the line of tape. Jigsaw Search Students especially enjoy the search aspect of this activity. The teacher prepares jigsaw puzzle shapes. The shape may be symbolic of a topic or in different colors. These are cut like a jigsaw puzzle with the number of pieces matching the desired group size from two to four. The teacher allows students to select one puzzle piece from a container as they walk into the room. At the designated time, students search the classroom for peers who have puzzle pieces that fit theirs and then team up with those students to perform a task. Some tasks might be to introduce a partner, to make a poster defining a concept, or to decorate the puzzle pieces and make a mobile. The teacher may have students print their names on both sides of their puzzle piece in order to facilitate name learning during the search activity. The names could be erased or crossed out so the puzzle pieces can be reused. Later, the puzzle pieces can be used as a way to review subject content, for example, by joining an author and his novel, or an element and its properties. Note: If the number of puzzle pieces does not match the number of students in the room, some students will not have a complete group. Leftover puzzle pieces can be placed on a table for students to check to see if their group will be short members.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business - Leadership and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business - Leadership and Change - Essay Example Hence, a viable leadership in a contemporary scenario comprises of a talent for fluidity and adaptability aimed at recognising the need for change and then the potential to lead change (Mullins 2004). Therefore, the capability to create, manage and lead change is of immense importance in the contemporary leaders. Such a versatile mode of leadership rests on a plethora of apt abilities like a viable vision, the power to inspire, effective communication, emotional intelligence and appropriate conflict resolution skills (Kotter et al. 2006). Effective leadership most of the times rests on a sound and solid vision (Zaccaro 2001, p. 106). However, the term ‘vision’ here does not mean a chunk of imaginary green cheese, which is conceptualised by a leader, sans any concern for the aspirations and opinions of one’s followers. In contrast, ‘vision’ comprises of a set of reasons, which could lead to a better future in an individual and organisational context an d which could be easily grasped and adhered to by personnel placed at all levels within a set up (Zaccaro 2001, p. 106). The hall mark of an effective leader is that one is capable of coming out with a vision with which each and every follower could identify with and commit to. It is only when individual followers see a personal stake in the collective vision that they go beyond their capabilities and stamina to make it a reality (Zaccaro 2001, p. 106). For instance, John F Kennedy came out with a vision to place a man on the moon (Barnes 2005, p. 154). The eventual success of this vision could be attributed to the fact that it extended something to aspire for and be proud about to every individual American (Barnes 2005, p. 154). Inspiration lies at the foundation of an effective leadership approach (Adair 2002, p. 110). Great leaders do always have the ability to inspire others to follow them. Yet, the biggest asset of an inspiring leader is that one is always willing to live the c hange that one intends to bring about (Adair 2002, p. 110). It is one’s passion to engage oneself in all the aspects of a change that one desires to bring about that makes the other followers reach the heights of performance (Storey 2004, p. 113). The leadership style of Gandhi was best known for his ability to inspire others through personal example (Adair 2002, p. 322). The one big thing about Gandhi was that he was always the first to adopt the change that he aspired to bring about in the society (Gandhi 2006). Such an approach most of the times succeeded in inspiring his followers to engage with his vision of change in a sincere and selfless manner (Gandhi 2006). A successful leader by necessity needs to be really good at communicating his vision (Kirkpatrick 2001, p. 47). However, as usually understood, communication is not merely about a drab exchange of prosaic ideas and information between a sender and the recipient. Communication is something much more than that. It is about the ability to exchange ideas and information with all the essential passion and emotions hovering around those ideas (Kirkpatrick 2001, p. 48). In leadership, communication is not merely about informing but also about moving, inspiring, motivating, energising, pacifying, and a range of other abilities, as and when required by a particular situation or challenge. Communication is about bringing in that essential human element in the exchange of information and ideas, which has the ability to wrest
Friday, October 18, 2019
Operational Analysis and Effectiveness Case Study
Operational Analysis and Effectiveness - Case Study Example Operations as defined by Heizer is the management of production of goods and services that add value to the firm. Thus, operations cannot be ignored any wherelets first analyze briefly what actually is the function of an airline industry. Airline industry provides services to its customers by transporting them from one destination to another be it international, national, regional or simply for cargo purposes. The operations issues that are important and critical include airport capacity, route structures, technology and costs to lease or buy the physical aircrafts1. Some of the larger issues that organizations face every time are the weather conditions, fuel costs and labor. Since weather effects flight schedules and is quite variable and naturally unpredictable; weather extremes such as snow, fog, and extreme temperatures can halt the operations of the air transport and hence add to costs both in terms of opportunity cost and the physical cost already incurred. Without fuel, no aero plane could fly, fuel costs comprise around 17-18% of the total cost of the airline company. For managing fuel efficiency the air transportation management should schedule flights properly as for example short haul flights are less fuel efficient as greater part is consumed in landing and take off. Labor is very important, which includes all sorts of labor and skills, flight attendants, pilots, baggage handl ers, dispatchers, customer services, air hosts and hostesses etc. The critical activities2 of an airline industry include demand forecasting, network design, revenue management, route planning, airline schedule planning, irregular operations aircraft routing, integrated scheduling, real time crew management, crew pairing optimization, air traffic flow management, crew rostering, air traffic simulation and control, and also coping with the concerned authorities' control program. Now the critical activities are discussed independently, and the relevant outcome and importance is also specified. Demand forecasting by airlines It is important for an air transportation industry to forecast demand levels correctly, as the management of demand can help in maximizing revenues as much as possible. And since demand for air travel seems to have been growing at the multiples of GDP therefore the need becomes more pronounced. And, there is a need to understand the demand for airlines industry is of two types, viz. underlying growth and the induced growth. The underlying growth in demand occurs as a reason of naturally occurring external factors in the environment;
Experiement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Experiement - Essay Example When others seemingly terminated the conversation before its natural end, it was very difficult not to admit that I had been conducting an experiment – I was reluctant to allow others to think I had changed my conversational style permanently. It felt quite patronizing, because others seemed to feel as though I felt the need to simplify their sentences so they would understand parts of the conversation. I also felt as though it was unnecessary during some conversations, because the nature of the topic was so simple that paraphrasing would add confusion. I also felt that conversations became quite unnatural and forced on my side, because of the extra thought that was required to add the paraphrasing element into natural speech. Overall, after paraphrasing had become more natural, it was not difficult or particularly traumatizing to use. During the course of a conversation, the other participant would not notice initially, and then begin to act strangely and some even terminated the conversation before it seemed to reach its natural end. However, during shorter conversations, it seemed to comfort some, as though I was highlighting how well I understood them, and perhaps even made it seem as though I was empathizing well. No hostility was shown by others, although there was definitely a feeling of confusion when paraphrasing was used often (particularly during descriptive conversations. Paraphrasing conversations did not have any lasting effects on interpersonal relationships. When paraphrasing was used when talking to people that I do not have a close personal relationship, the previously mentioned empathy seemed to improve these relationships. When paraphrasing those who I talk to regularly, the obvious change in my conversational style may have had a negative effect at the time of the conversation, but once the experiment had stopped it was easy to resume
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Software Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Software Development - Essay Example The term software development is defined as a component of the software engineering methodology which involves the structuring, planning, writing, testing, delivery, and maintenance of a software product (Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010). The software development process encompasses procedures that address how the software product will be designed, created, tested, implemented and maintained (Jawadekar, 2004). Furthermore, the software development process involves the following components: (1) activities; (2) resources; and (3) constraints. All major process activities are planned out, sub-processes and their relationships between each other are identified, schedules of activities are plotted with definite start and exit points, objectives of each process is listed, and resources required for each step is allocated and adjusted according to identified constraints (Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010). The first step in the software development process involves the identification and analysis of the variou s system requirements. In this stage, data is gathered regarding client requirements, types of hardware and software needed during development, and manpower requirements (composition of software development team, skills needed, etc.).
Intermediate Accounting Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Intermediate Accounting - Research Paper Example The following illustration provides a simplified view of the business model followed by Groupon: Comparison of this business model of Groupon with Wal-Mart reveals some fundamental differences in the approach followed by the two businesses. First of all, as mentioned earlier, the virtual operating style of Groupon through internet is a primary factor which distinguishes the extent to which both companies can target their respective customers. Based on the differences identified in the business model for Groupon in comparison with the approach followed by Wal-Mart, it is possible to determine how these differences influence the risks identified by Groupon in its financial statements under management discussion and analysis and also the translation of these risks into financial reporting of the company. Before initiating a discussion as to how risks faced by Groupon would influence its business model, it is pertinent to understand that the success of the business model of the company l argely rests on the revenue generating ability of the company through acquiring new subscribers to purchase coupons offered by the company. Since the company has only one product to offer, i.e. coupons, therefore any unfavourable changes in the circumstances may eventually lead to the disruption of whole business model. First of all, the company has expressly stated in its Form S - 1 that, â€Å"We may not maintain the revenue growth that we have experienced since inception.†(Groupon Incorporation 11). Although, the company would take measures to ensure that such a risk may not materialize in future; however, if such a situation is faced by the company where revenue growth becomes difficult, the business model may be affected severely, as there is no contingency plan for the company due to lack of its diversity in operations. Realizing the significance of influence this risk may have on the business model of the company, it has been mentioned that, â€Å"If we fail to retai n our existing subscribers or acquire new subscribers, our revenue and business will be harmed.†(Groupon Incorporation 12). In addition to this, it is also important to note that apart from growth in subscribers to the business, the retention and growth of merchants for the business is also a risk factor. The company has expressly stated that if it fails to retain or grow the number of merchant it deals with, the revenues may shrink considerably in the future and therefore place impact on the whole business (Groupon Incorporation 13). Apart from this, it is also pertinent to understand that Groupon is not alone in its market; in fact there are other competitors who are improving their customer base and market standing. The company, in this regard, states that it operates in a highly competitive environment where competitors may pose a significant threat to the operations and growth opportunities for Groupon in the future (Groupon Incorporation 13). Issues regarding Revenue Re cognition for Groupon The table presented as follows include information pertaining to revenues, cost of sales, other operating expenses and net profit / loss of the company for the financial years 2009 and 2010. Under each year, both gross and net based revenue recognition by the company has been presented so as to make the comparison possible between
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Software Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Software Development - Essay Example The term software development is defined as a component of the software engineering methodology which involves the structuring, planning, writing, testing, delivery, and maintenance of a software product (Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010). The software development process encompasses procedures that address how the software product will be designed, created, tested, implemented and maintained (Jawadekar, 2004). Furthermore, the software development process involves the following components: (1) activities; (2) resources; and (3) constraints. All major process activities are planned out, sub-processes and their relationships between each other are identified, schedules of activities are plotted with definite start and exit points, objectives of each process is listed, and resources required for each step is allocated and adjusted according to identified constraints (Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010). The first step in the software development process involves the identification and analysis of the variou s system requirements. In this stage, data is gathered regarding client requirements, types of hardware and software needed during development, and manpower requirements (composition of software development team, skills needed, etc.).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
In What Circumstances Can a State Lawfully Resort to the Use of Essay
In What Circumstances Can a State Lawfully Resort to the Use of Military Force in Response to an Attack from a Non-State Actor - Essay Example Understanding the details of the circumstances as well as how one can respond to specific attacks is essential not only with the mechanics of how to respond but also with how this associates with the different effects which occur when one responds. This research study will investigate the basic regulations, exceptions and the different laws which create alternative mechanics toward responding from an attack of a non – state actor. Legalities of Military Force Article 51 of the United Nations charter is the basic concept that identifies when one can respond to another with self – defense. In this article, it states that if the inherent rights of the individual are attacked then there is the right to react with self defense toward the non – state actor. However, there are also implications of international peace and security with the expectation that one will pass the attack through the UN before beginning action. The need to restore and keep international peace an d security then become important with the self – defense and the way in which this creates a specific alternative to the international needs. While there is the ability to act with group or self – defense, the concept of international peace and security remain as important when deciding to use military force against an individual1. The first implication which allows one to respond with self defense is if the approach is an armed attack, which makes one a victim to the attack. An armed attack is inclusive of a military attack or operation that uses force in another state. This also includes bombardment with the use of weapons, blockades of another state, an attack with armed forces, acts of aggression and mercenaries that are sent to perform military actions. Each of these instances causes one to become a victim of the actions and constitute the right to react with military force against the other state for self defense. It is noted that there are instances which do not consist of military or armed attacks, including diplomatic missions, cyber attacks, supplies of financial or intelligence resources or frontier incidences. These do not cause one to be a victim of the attack and do not justify countermeasures as they are not proportionate with the violations that occur. There are also implications that the attack must be toward territory or warships and not toward nationals or diplomats as these are not a threat to the self defense of a country2. The use of self defense and the legalities which are associated with this continue with the requirements that are met for a reaction. The first of these is the necessity, meaning that there is no alternative means of redress, such as a treaty or other form of diplomacy. The second is based on the proportionality. If there is another means of changing the process from self defense, then the attack must not be repealed and proportions need to be altered. The need to have immediacy is also a part of the regul ations with the understanding that this needs to be flexible until there is permission to move forward. It should also be noted that the actions cannot take place unless an action has already caused the state to become a victim. One cannot act preemptively before the threat or the attack occurs as there is not an understanding of
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is absolutely relating a message to readers about the ills of slavery but this is a complex matter. On one hand, the only truly good and reliable character who is free of the hypocritical nature that other whit characters are plagued with is Jim who, according to the institution of slavery, is subhuman. Thus, one has to wonder about the presence of satire in Huck Finn. Furthermore, Mark Twain wrote Huck Finn after slavery was made illegal and his choice to set this story in a pre-civil war time when slaves were still held is significant. What truly makes the thesis statement about race and slavery in Huck Finn complex is is that there are several traces of some degree of racism in the novel, including the use of the ‘N’ word. By using the word, the book portrays the atmosphere of the south and slavery at that time. David Bradley, a Mark Twain expert featured in â€Å"Born to Trouble: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†, says that, â€Å"The ‘N’ was a word used during that time to call black people. It was a common word†(Born to Trouble). Apart from this, when Aunt Sally hears about an explosion and she asks Huck if anybody was hurt, he responds by saying â€Å"No’m,†â€Å"Killed a slave†(Peter Salwen). These few lines of dialogue say all there is to say about how blacks were viewed at that time; that they are â€Å"nobody†, less than human, with lives that are of little or no value to anyone. The racist attitudes of the south are most evident in the character of Huck Salas 2 Finn himself and how he relates to the runaway slave, Jim. Huck is nothing but a product of his environment and upbringing. Although he reflects the cruelty and injustice of the south towards blacks, he is totally unaware that this is the wrong attitude to take (Fiskin). At first when Huck is unsure how to deal with Jim, he displays attitudes that are a reflection of his times. He plays tricks on Jim and entraps him in a dialogue that makes the latter appear especially foolish, or perhaps, to make Jim painfully aware of his own inferiority. The trick the weighed most heavily on both Huck and Jim is when, after having disappeared from the raft, Huck pretends to have been there all along. The worried Jim insists that he believed Huck had almost drowned, but Huck plays Jim for a fool, tricking him into believing that he had only been dreaming (Twain 186). Jim, in turn, is made to appear as the Negro stereotype of the times: a backward buffoon with his slave dialect and many superstitions (Gregory). It is only much later on that he takes on a more human face as we discover his admirable character, particularly his fierce loyalty to his friend Huck (Born to Trouble). Huck also reflects the white South’s belief that blacks were vastly inferior. In the conversation about King Solomon and the Frenchmen in Chapter 14, Huck ends the conversation by saying to himself: â€Å"I see it warn’t any use wasting words – you can’t learn a n†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to argue. So I quit†(Twain 104). Seemingly frustrated with the turn of the conversation, Huck ends up being dismissive of the black man’s intellectual capacity, his ability to learn, see reason or think rationally. Again, this points to the white South’s inherent belief that the black man is inferior. Salas 3 Early on this relationship, Huck is also prone to saying things that further show how deeply racist attitudes have been ingrained in him. After the trick he plays on Jim, he is reluctant to apologize to someone society dictates is far beneath him: â€Å"it was fifteen minutes before I could work myself to go and humble myself to a slave†(Twain 107). Jim must also accept the fact that as a black, he is inferior to whites in these times. Friendship doesn’t negate this rule of society; even his good friend Huck is far superior to him. Even as far into the book as Chapter 31, Huck still holds himself accountable to the strict racist rules of his community, where empowering a black man is a â€Å"low-down thing†(Twain 219). However in this course of the tale, Huck’s attitude toward his black companion begins to shift. This is a struggle for him at first, and a reader can get a definite sense of Huck grappling with how society has always forced him to think. For example, although he shows reluctance in apologizing to Jim for his trick, he really does feel like the trash Jim likens him to (Twain 107). Not only does he get over his reluctance and apologizes to Jim, but makes a firm pledge to himself not to â€Å"do him no more mean tricks; and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d knowed it would make him feel that way†(Twain 107). Another instance is when Huck encounters a group of white men looking for runaway slaves. He struggles momentarily about the morality of hiding Jim, still thinking of the latter as a stolen piece of property and not a person. Huck then swings the other way and conceals Jim from the men with a clever ruse (Twain 117). In the end after a long and hard struggle, both Huck and Jim achieve a certain degree of freedom. Not just freedom form â€Å"sivilization†for Huck Salas 4 and slavery for Jim, but freedom from the rigid mindset of the racist South. Huck learns to look at Jim not merely as a Negro, a piece of property or someone inferior and worthless, but as a human being and as a friend.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 Transformation coordinates from International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 to World Geodetic System 1984 Geodetic network is an essential frame of spatial data. Also it is an information system for geodetic and engineering surveys, land management, geodetic support of construction, monitoring of buildings and structures deformations, topographical mapping, development of geographical information systems, transport navigation. There are several coordinate systems to solve tasks as described above. Using Global Navigation Satellite Systems cause a problem of installing communication between coordinate systems. G.I.S. specialists should know how to work with various kinds of geospatial data, that are acquired from terrestrial surveying, Global Navigation Satellite System observations and online GNSS processing service. Besides coordinates can relate to global, regional and local reference systems (Bosy J., 2014). Geodesists should understand and be able to handle with reference frame conversions in order to get high-quality geospatial data: maps, digital models of the Earth. The aim of thi s research is to find better transformation model between ITRF2000 and WGS84 by comparison Bursa-Wolf and Molodensky-Badekas models. First of all, short definitions on two reference frames should be done. The ITRF is stands for International Terrestrial Reference Frame. It is earth-centered and earth-fixed datum. It was presented in 1988. Coordinates are based on the GRS80 ellipsoid, which was designed to suit the shape of the geoid. The geoid is an irregular surface, which coincides with the surface of the water in the seas and oceans. It is perpendicular to the direction of gravity at any point. ITRF is sustained by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (Altamimi Z., 2011). Also it is a global network with points that have accurate coordinates. Coordinates are derived from geodetic measurements using GNSS and different laser rangings (Jannsen V., 2009). This network contains 800 stations that are distributed over the globe. The latest realization of the ITRF was done in 2008. The realization is a defining of stations' coordinates and linear velocities (Altamimi Z., 2011). In contrast, WGS84 is a regular Terrestrial Reference System. It is geocentric, right-handed, orthogonal coordinate system used in geodesy and navigation (NIMA, 2000). The WGS84 Coordinate System center is a geometric center of the WGS84 Ellipsoid. The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency operates this common Terrestrial Reference System. Due to National Imagery and Mapping Agency (1997) the last reference system is developed in order to match International Reference System. The X and Z axes are consonant with the Reference Meridian, Reference Pole consequently. Also Y axis is stationed on ninety degrees from X and Z axes (NIMA, 2000). Furthermore, ITRF coordinates might differ from WGS84 coordinates in different regions at sub-metre level (Winter S., 2014). Consequently, two reference systems' convention increases with time (Jannsen V., 2009). Aghamohammadi in his work stated that those varieties might be solved at the centimeter level by using seven-parameter conversion (Aghamohammadi A.). Therefore, one datum can be transferred to another datum by the Helmert 7-parameter transformation (Knippers R., 1998). Those parameters are: three rotations (ÃŽ ±, ÃŽ ², ÃŽ ³), origin shift of three coordinates (ÃŽâ€X, ÃŽâ€YandÃŽâ€Z) and scale (s). The Helmert transformation model is a seven parameter transformation. It is either a position vector and coordinate frame conversion. In the coordinate frame transformation parameters are transformed for the whole reference system. The Bursa-Wolf transformation model is the position vector transformation (Deakin R., 2006). In contrast to the coordinate frame transformation it uses rotations that are refer to the point's vector. These two models are almost the same. Yet their rotations have reversible signs. Moreover, Aghamohammadi tested two transformation models Bursa-Wolf and Molodensky-Badekas (Aghamohammadi A.). The first model's formulas were done by Bursa in 1962. In 1963 Wolf had improved it. It is a seven-parameter model. It transfers three dimensional Cartesian coordinates between two datums. This model uses origin shifts of coordinates, rotation angles and scale change. Below its matrix-vector form: The second model is Molodensky-Badekas model. It was introduced by Molodensky in 1962, then developed in 1969. It is also seven-parameter conformal conversion of Cartesian coordinates between different datums. The formula of transformation is: Where ÃŽâ€X, ÃŽâ€Y, ÃŽâ€Z are the shifts between the barycenter and centroid of two networks. And rx, ry, rz are rotation of positions, ds is a scale change. Moreover, Aghamohammadi stated that Molodensky-Badekas model dissimilar from Bursa-Wolf model by the point about which axes are rotate and scale is changed (Aghamohammadi A.).The Molodensky-badekas model is often used for the conversion coordinates between terrestrial and satellite datums. Yet for that condition the central point should be the barycentre (Aghamohammadi A.). In contrast the Bursa-Wolf transformation model does not need the centroid coordinates as in the Molodensky-Badekas model. Aghamohammadi described those two models in his work (Aghamohammadi A.). That author wrote that research was done in Iran region, where he compared transformation models to find appropriate model. The main issue of that work was that Iranian Permanent Network's coordinates are estimated in ITRF. National GPS network coordinates are in WGS84 coordinate system. And differences from two reference systems can be more than  ± meter. Due to results and some parameters concluded that Bursa-Wolf model is better that Molodensky-Badekas model (Aghamohammadi A.). The author wrote that the first model is simpler and easier to use than the second. Also it is better suits to the satellite datums. Finally, there are many computer programs that allow us to transfer coordinates from one system to another. However, it is important to know which method you will choose in order to achieve expected result. I suppose that this work covered theoretical part of the issue. Besides the Bursa-Wolf model can be proposed as good model due to its simplicity. In the future work I can choose this model to transform coordinates from ITRF2000 to WGS84. References Aghamohammadi A., Nankali H. R., Djamour Y. Transformation from ITRF2000 to WGS84. [e-journal] Available though: National Cartographic Center of Iran website [Accessed 2 November 2014]. Altamimi Z., Boucher C., Sillard P. (2011) New Trends for the Realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System. [e-journal] Available through: University of Liege website [Accessed 2 November 2014]. Bosy J., (2014) Global, Regional and National Geodetic Reference Frames for Geodesy and Geodynamics. [e-journal] Available through: scientific publisher Springer [Accessed 2 November 2014]. NIMA (2000) Its Definition and Relationships with Local Geodetic Systems. [e-journal] Available through National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency website [Accessed 2 November 2014]. Deakin R., (2006) A note on the Bursa-Wolf and Molodensky-Badekas transformations. [e-journal] Available through ResearchGate social networking website [Accessed 1 November 2014]. Knippers R., (1998) Coordinate systems and Map projections, ITC-notes. [e-journal] Available through: International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation website [Accessed 1 November 2014]. Jannsen V.,(2009) Understanding Coordinate Systems, Datums and Transformations in Australia. [e-journal] Available through: University of Tasmania Library website [Accessed 1 November 2014]. Winter S., Rizos C., (2014) Dynamic Datum Transformations in Australia and New Zealand. [e-journal] Available through: CEUR Workshop Proceedings publication service [Accessed 2 November 2014].
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The House of Bernarda Alba and A Dolls House Essay -- Feminism
Federico Garcia Lorca's â€Å"The House of Bernarda Alba†and Henrik Ibsen's â€Å"A Doll's House†both protest against the confinement of women of their days. Although the Houses are set differently in Spain of 20th century and Norway of 19th century respectively, both the plays relate in illuminating their respective female protagonists, Adela and Nora, as they eventually develop a sense of individuality and self-expression, emerging as free individuals from repression. The authors’ attempts to do so allow the audience to gain an insight into the social norms that each protagonist was pitted against. This heightens the tension as the action develops. Both Adela and Nora are inherently individualistic, and their innate nature is shown especially when they covertly display defiance in occasions of high social expectations. Despite Bernarda’s declaration of a long period of mourning and her orders to stay within the walls of her house and to wear only black, Adela cheerfully wears a colourful dress of zealous green and goes out of the house, disobeying Bernarda, â€Å"to look for what is [hers], what belongs to [her]†– Pepe el Romano. In ‘A Doll’s House’, while Mrs Linde asserts that â€Å"a wife can’t borrow without her husband’s permission†, Nora, whom her husband Torvald calls â€Å"[his] independent little creature,†leaks out her insubordinate action of borrowing. She even dares to forge her father’s signature, but more importantly, she individually decides for herself why she has to forge – to save â€Å"her husband’s life†on her own. The pressure to comply with the traditional societal conventions induces the central characters of both the plays to masquerade. Appearing as an innocent â€Å"poor little thing†to Magdalena, Adela confidently thinks of... ...e whole town against me, branding me with their fiery fingers, persecuted by people who claim to be decent, and right in front of them I will put on a crown of thorns, like a mistress of a married man!†The free flow of words from Nora’s and Adela’s hearts triggers the audience to think about the power of transformation. Despite their initial confinement and dishonesty, both Nora and Adela are courageous and passionate, possessing the strength to pursue freedom; they are risk-takers who challenge circumstances notwithstanding the uncertainties of future. Their choices of self-expression and freedom – through abandonment and death respectively – and the characters themselves representationally express the potential energy of women and endlessly protest for independence of women of every era and culture. Works Cited The House of Bernarda Alba A Doll's House
Friday, October 11, 2019
From Source to Shore an Amazon Success Story Essay
From Source to Shore An Amazon Success Story By Ankit Shah Amazon is one of the first ventures that set out to tap the potential of web for retail business. It’s hard to believe that a business that started out of founder Jeff Bezos’ garage in 1994 has revenues of over $32 billion today. What is even harder to believe is that the company didn’t make any profit for first 5 years of its conception. Looking back, many leading business analysts see Amazon’s business plan as one of the soundest yet simple business plans, or virtuous cycle as it is more popularly known, of that era. Figure 1: Amazon’s Business Plan. A sharp customer focus was the key take away of the business plan. While the general market trend during the dot com boom was of aggressively fending off competition, Amazon remained faithful towards the simplest principle of the industry, â€Å"It’s a Customer’s Market†. Driven by his will to increase customer satisfaction, Bezos made hefty investments in research and technology which was also new to the market. Consistent upgrades to the web portal made it increasingly easy to use and opened up the market by introducing its customers to products that were not available at a regular retail store. Features like personal recommendations, search inside a book, wish lists were highly customer centric and quickly caught the attention of the e-shoppers. The high variety offered by Amazon enticed even more customers after the features like rating a product, reviews and discussions were added. Figure 2 shows the current customer satisfaction standing of Amazon and its competitors. Figure 2: American Customer Satisfaction Index (Internet Retailers). Feb 2011. Recognizing the importance of the long tail market has also played a part in Amazon’s increasing customer satisfaction scores. Being an online retailer, Amazon has the flexibility to offer obscure products to its customers. The ease of obtaining products and items, which are rarely available at regular stores, is a key USP of Amazon. It is also a major profit maker for Amazon. Figure 3: The Long Tail Phenomenon Consistent high scores on the customer satisfaction index and the sound business strategy reaped its first profit in 2001, by which time Amazon had become a household name. Customer satisfaction is identified as a leading contributor to a company’s profits by many leading industry experts. Figure 4: Contribution of various Business Performance Factors to Shareholder Value ‘Cost of attracting a new customer is almost 4 times the cost of retaining an old one’ is a statistic that is widely accepted in the industry. This translates to huge savings in Figure 5: Reason for customers to stop dealing with vendors operational costs as Amazon stands at over 81 million registered users today. As Amazon concentrated on building deeper customer relationships, it also came up with innovative ways to leverage these relationships to increase sales. Bill me later’ was introduced to increase the buying power of the existing customers. It allowed customers to buy a product instantly but be billed at a later date. Amazon Marketplace is a service that allows users to buy and sell used items. It is also a great example of how Amazon has leveraged its customer relationship to create new opportunities as the success of such a venture depends greatly on the customer relationships. The Brand Value of Amazon has also seen an upward movement similar to the customer satisfaction index. This has also helped Amazon attract more customers and increase its market presence. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 36 Amazon 65 62 58 43 Brand Index Figure 6: Amazon’s Increasing Brand Value [5] The increasing brand value and the saturating market in United States have urged Amazon to spread into international markets. Amazon began its European expansion by acquiring Bookpages. co. uk in 1997. The international market growth of Amazon has been steadily increasing in the new markets and off late has come at power with the US market in terms of contribution to the revenue stream. Figure 7: International Sales vs US Sales The categorical waterfall approach to international expansion coupled with religious adherence to the customer centric business model is the major contributor to Amazon’s success in international markets. The international expansion time line below shows that Amazon favors American market to introduce its new product lines and features. Also, the American market still remains Amazon’s favorite in terms of wide product line. Figure 8: International Expansion Timeline for Amazon. Amazon is now moving towards establishing itself as a global leader in e-tailing. In keeping with its sound business model, Amazon is still focused towards innovating customer centric features and targeting customer satisfaction as a primary goal. With an increasing presence in international markets, Amazon also faces increasing competition from local e-tailers. Entering a market by acquiring an existing player is a strategy that has worked for Amazon. Country Acquired Year UK Bookpages. co. uk 1998 Germany Telebuch. e in 1998 China Joyo. com 2004 Figure 9: Amazon’s International Acquisitions.  Amazon also offers many country specific features and variations to its product line. This differentiation approach towards international markets plays a key role in building a market value and capturing market share. Country Canada Features †¢ Choice of language between French and English on the web portal. †¢ Canadian website Amazon. ca which is fully managed from the USA and on which Canadian customers can place their orders. To avoid expensive exporting from the USA, Amazon has entered partnerships with publishers and wholesalers from which customers are directly supplied. †¢ Offers a separate UK product selection. †¢ Provision to pay through postal orders. †¢ The German subsidiary is also responsible for serving the Austrian market. †¢ Provision to pay using cheques. †¢ Pays a small fine for ignoring the 5% limit for discount on books. †¢ Reduced its French staff and outsourced some of its administrative functions to the UK. †¢ Used the existing delivery system established by joyo. com instead of nation wide couriers.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
DuPont Case Analysis Essay
INTRODUCTION: DuPont was established in the year 1802 by French Chemist, E.I DuPont de Nemours in USA. DuPont became successful by the end of third year and it started exporting back to its continent, Europe. In the span of these 200 years, it had shaped into a global company with variety of enterprises like Chemical, Energy, Science Based and High Technology. It maximized its manufacturing or processing operations in 40 countries and its products were sold in 150 places by the end of 1990. The company’s one third revenue comes from the European market from 1960. There are 50 companies, which employed more than 19,000 people in 14 countries of Europe. The scientists of DuPont developed the synthetic fibres industry by introducing nylon. They were the leading manufacturer of manmade fibres in the world. The most important product of DuPont is â€Å"Carpet Fibre†. This division was setup in Geneva, Switzerland which holds the R&D, marketing and production areas. Products were produced in the UK and the sales offices are in Germany, the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Scandinavia, and Holland. CASE CONTEXT: DuPont’s product nylon carpet fibre is not different from other fibres available in the market; however they were the top players in fibre industry. The parameters like color and texture are the factors that differ in the carpets. The fibre industry has nothing to do with these things. The carpet industry is concerned with these directly and they in turn led to the wholesalers, retailers and in turn to the customers. From the consumers point of view the carpet should be colorful, its texture is important and it should be easily maintained. DuPont has done extensive research on the customers third interest i.e. maintenance and founded the â€Å"Stain Master†that would allow to remove the stains permanently. With this invention, DuPont’s market share increased by 5%. This was first introduced in USA, later on with minor changes it has been launched in Europe. It gave mixed results for the company. DuPont’s decision is that the mills should have certain quality to use the process of stain master. In Germany, many mills felt that they don’t have these standards set by them; hence they didn’t show interest in the product. The UK market and France market reacted positively. Many companied executed the same formulae by giving low quality material at lower prices. This led to the stake of DuPont’s position in the market by 1980. FACTS: DuPont conducted research in the European Industry after the decline of its position in the market. They came to know some important facts: Flow of DuPont’s Fibres: DuPont’s Fibres Carpet Mills Wholesalers Retailers End Users The carpet mills are concentrated in only three countries the UK, France and Belgium. 80-20 rule is applied in European market; 80% of the business is carried but top 20% manufacturers. To stimulate the market, they used the help of Style Books to the wholesalers and retailers. They were not loyal customers to the fibre industry. They focused on the company that provides material at the best price. Retail and Wholesale operations are very different in these countries. In Germany wholesalers dominated in the UK and Belgium retailers dominated the supply chain. PROBLEM: DuPont concentrated only on the carpet mills and they didn’t make any effort in knowing the end users. They invested money in R&D for making innovations in fibres that is to be supplied to the carpet mills. They are least bothered to know about the customers. ALTERNATIVES: DuPont need to concentrate on the techniques that value the customers without affecting the supply chain. As carpet mills are the important customers to DuPont, they need to retain them. â€Å"Creating loyal customers is at the heart of every business†-Don Peppers and Martha Rogers. Identify the â€Å"Customer Benefit†and â€Å"Customer Cost†of the users and provide the product at â€Å"Customer-perceived value†(CPV). Monitor the satisfaction of the customer by conducting surveys. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES: In Europe, there are 60 carpet mills that can level DuPont’s standards; however only 50% of them are using their fibres. Rest of them wandering around for best price. The mills using DuPont’s fibres should be retained and they need to analyze the CPV value and set the â€Å"price†accordingly. The â€Å"place†is also very important for setting the price as European market is fragmented unlike USA market which is having only four players. The customers give least preference to carpets when they are buying house- hold equipments. They are not enjoying or admiring to shop for carpeting as it is just a blanket to protect the floor. Customers spend at least 10 weeks in buying the carpets.52% Customers buy carpets if the existing one is worn out. Repurchase cycle for carpets is 12 years. Customers are not satisfied with the product information. The retailers and wholesalers are not providing full information. They are not providing information on price, color, fitting rooms and quality. If â€Å"product†and â€Å"service†quality is maintained, customers would retain with them only. They didn’t â€Å"promote†their products. RECOMMENDATIONS: Retain the customers by giving them offers that attracts them easily. Provide sample fibres to 50% carpet mills that are not using DuPont’s material and offer a price that satisfy their needs. Provide a portal for the customers to choose their own color and design according to their choices by collaborating with mills. Provide better customer care services by training the retailers and wholesalers. Provide catalogues to the customers for better awareness of the product, whether it is retailer, wholesaler or final end user. PLAN OF ACTION: Identify the customers who are loyal to the company, give them incentives and promote the product brand. Select the location where sales of the company are not up to the mark and apply the alternatives to them i.e. setting price and giving offers to the carpet mills. Later on collaborate with the mills in that location and train the wholesalers and retailers about the product and give them the full information along with the catalogues. Provide better services to the customers by setting a portal where they can choose their own designs and place order to the carpet mills. Implement the above mentioned steps for three months and find the sales growth. Spread the plan if it worked in the selected location, by making minute changes to it according to the location. CONTINGENCY PLAN: Since DuPont is an expert and leading manufacturer in the manmade fibres, it can go for â€Å"VERTICAL INTEGRATION†. Instead of supplying fibres to carpet mills, it can set up a mill and manufacture carpets. It can directly deal with the customers. The above mentioned plan can be executed without the intervention of the mills. The Customer Satisfaction can be monitored and it can get to know the loopholes in the process and thus leading to correction of the mistakes and increasing the sales growth of the company.
Crafting & Executing Strategy Whole Foods
Crafting & Executing Strategy Whole Foods Your Report will be evaluated on the quality of your ability to: 1. Appropriate use of Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusions 10 marks †¢ Demonstrate ability to appropriately capture key recommendations and overview in an Executive Summary. Proper use of an introduction to capture the main aspects of the body of the report and a concise conclusion. . Answers to the Questions Posed in Case Study/Presentation     50 marks †¢ The body of the report should clearly address the questions posed in the case study   †¢ The group presentation should effectively convey the case and recommendations in the format of a third party consultant presenting to the John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods. 3. Develop Strategic Recommendations/Key Findings 10 marks Your report should also address the strategic recommendations and/or key findings identified from answers to the five questions in the body of the report. 4. Use of Appropriate graphs/charts/diagrams 15 marks †¢ Your report should utilize relevant statistics in graphs, charts or diagrams to more effectively convey the key points in the body of your report. 5. Links to course readings and additional research 5  marks   ?Clearly cite your work and identify at least 2 separate sources with appropriate footnotes or endnotes. ? Words that are not your own must be formally cited. 6. Style and format 10 marks ? Write a report that is error free (spelling/grammar)   ? Write a report that is concise (communication is clear and to the point)   ? Write a report that is professional (easy to read, accurate in its content)   ? The report should not exceed 10 pages, double-spaced text plus charts/diagrams
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Unit VI Analyze the Running Case on page 488 of the textbook, Essay
Unit VI Analyze the Running Case on page 488 of the textbook, - Essay Example ndle customers, customer care protocols, production chain management, communication approaches, recreational, wellness systems and marketing techniques. Training on such aspects enables companies to focus their synergies in providing competitive services at the right time. This paper explores the best way of managing training program at Manage Your Health Company (MYH) that is expected to be rolled out. The training programs the institution seeks to adopt is to improve employee performance by ensuring their health and physical wellbeing. In particular, the company that has over 20,000 full time employees and 5,000 part time employees is set to offer training on recreation and wellness. The program is to be facilitated by experienced trainers with the capacity of ensuring holistic development. As noted, MYH is set to roll out a recreation and wellness training program that aims at equipping employees with requisite incentives for health development. The training is to be executed to boost health conditions of the staff and in turn engage in quality service delivery. Improving employee health requires effective and timely enlightening on dietary matters, awareness creation on healthy foodstuffs, and education on balanced diet among others (Richard, Emener & Hutchison, 2009). On the other hand, keeping fit calls for favorable fitness training and systematic workout by the employees. These aspects require a well versed training team and management for best results to be attained. To achieve the objectives, the institution contemplates outsourcing the management of the training process to facilitate the program based on the scope of work to be executed. However, the proposal to outsource trainers is deemed unnecessary and wasteful given that MYH Company has a well-established internal training team/department that has over the years conducted various training programs successfully. The internal training department has the capacity to conduct the program that requires
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Newton's Three Laws, Friction and Electrical Circutes Lab Report
Newton's Three Laws, Friction and Electrical Circutes - Lab Report Example Without friction and other forces including that of gravity, the ball will continue rolling with the same velocity unless it hits something or someone kicks it. Understanding the concept of a net external force is crucial in understanding Newton's first law. To illustrate this, consider a rope being used in a tug of war. There are two opposing forces in the activity but if the two sides pull with the same force then the rope would not move. That is, the two forces cancel each other out resulting to no net force on the rope. Thus, forces may be acting on an object but they are applied in such a manner that they cancel each other's effects. Force is a vector so it is important to take account of the direction. The result is that there will be no change in velocity since Force, F = 0. In calculus, this would be represented as dv/dt = 0 when F = 0 or simply, there is no differential change in velocity when there is no net external force. This is illustrated in the following; Figure 1. A Physics book pulled downward by gravity but the table exerts an upward push. The book does not move because the two forces cancel out. Note that the table is an inanimate object but is exerting force. The occurrence of force applied by the table will be explained further in Newton's Third law. 2.0 Newton's Second Law of Motion: Force and its Representation "The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object." While the first law describes the behaviour of objects where the F = 0, the second law is concerned with the situation where there is an unbalanced force. If F 0, then dv/dt is 0. In simple terms, the object accelerates, a, the rate of which is equal to the force applied divided the mass of the object. The acceleration of an object produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. In equation form: Newton's Second Law is used to account for the acceleration of an object and not the motion itself. This law made it possible to quantify the concept of force. Whereas before it was previously defined as a push or pull, force was now quantified using the unit Newton (N). 1 N is equivalent to the force required to impart a 1 kg mass with acceleration of 1 m/s/s. The vector nature of force is also highlighted in the second law and gave rise to the need for constructing free body diagrams (FBDs). A free body diagram is a simple representation of an object with arrows. These arrows represent the forces together with its direction and intensity. In constructing FBDs, it is essential to take full account of all the forces acting on the object including action-at-a-distance force. An illustration of FBDs and unbalanced forces are shown: Figure 2. The object is acted upon by forces which are unbalanced in all three cases thereby resulting to an acceleration of the body mass. 3.0 Newton's Third Law of Motion: Action- Reaction "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" All
Monday, October 7, 2019
Strategic Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategic Analysis - Essay Example It was founded in 1978 and has grown to become the fastest growing retail store in America. This analysis evaluates this plan using the SWOT analysis tool, to identify the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), its opportunities (O), and what threatens its sustainable growth (T). Home Depot was founded on the intention of being the largest home improvement facility in America. The company’s mission statement comprises of its core values which are: taking care of people, giving back to the community, doing the right thing, excellent customer service, building strong relationships, creating value to the shareholders, respect for all, and encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit (Floor, 2006). This reveals the high value the company has placed in people and clearly shows the purpose of the business. It is very elaborate and is a plus for the company. Home Depot is now the largest chain of retail store in the county, and is a brand name. This is an achievement of its vision . The company has been actively involved in various corporate social responsibility initiatives, spending over $200 million in a number of causes. The key strength is their customer service and affordable costs. The three top priorities in Home Depot’s strategic plan are to offer goods and services that are targeted at the low cost market, to open more outlets, and to increase their range of products. Besides this, Home Depot also aims at being the exclusive supplier of building materials to licensed contractors. These three capture the core objectives of the company, established on the company’s values and in line with its vision. For example, the company seeks to focus its operations on improving customer satisfaction, by offering a variety of products and providing innovative products at competitive prices. This goal supports the company’s mission to deliver excellent customer service and to take care of people. According to Floor (2006), Home Depot has a uni que strength in the market, as it has built a reputation by offering high quality goods. By expanding its range of products, the company will be tackling one of its weaknesses. The company has for a long time been criticized for providing products of the same type and design. This company faces this challenge because it purchases its supplies from other manufacturers, a factor that limits its control on the features in a product. Product monotony has given the other competitors in the market an edge over Home Depot. The company’s image has also suffered considerably due to various products being recalled by the management after complaints from consumers. To its shareholders, the company strives to give them value for their investment. In order to remain profitable and be able to pay dividends, the company seeks to continually open new outlets and reach new markets. Home Depot now has thousands of outlets in the US and has opened 180 stores in Canada, about a hundred in Mexico , and a few in China and Britain. The company is also aggressively promoting its products to customers by establishing extra supply channels. To increase its earnings, Home Depot is reducing its cost of doing business significantly and investing heavily in its R & D. Home Depot has partnered with contractors in the growing home improvement industry and housing market. These collaborations although few, are among the many core competencies of this company, which
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Research Proposal Example hts refer to the moral norms or principles that generally describe some specific human behavior standards which are protected regularly as legal rights according to the set of International Law. The rights are inherent for all human beings irrespective of their age, nationality, gender, ethnicity, religion and place. However, in practice it is found that there are major sections of people who are deprived of certain human rights because of the existence of discrimination among the people based on different factors including race, gender, nationality and many more (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, â€Å"Defending Human Rights: A Resource Book for Human Rights Defenders†). Defending or protection of human rights has become a major challenge for the government of different countries and people are also required to defend their own human right. It is very essential for the government and legal authorities to implement effective laws and regulations that woul d help in providing the respective human right to every section of people in the society and further avoid discrimination (Freedomhouse, â€Å"Defending Regional Human Rights Protection Mechanisms: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights under Attack†). Additionally, the human rights states that there should not be inequality among the people based on diverse discriminating factors. More awareness should be created among the people regarding the importance of defending human right so that people are equally treated and they receive what they deserve being responsible citizen of society (OSCE/ODIHR, â€Å"Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders†). Some human rights defenders focuses on encouraging Government as a whole to fulfill human rights obligations, for example by publicizing information on the Government’s record of implementing human rights standards and monitoring progress made (OHCHR, â€Å"Human Rights Defenders: Protecting the Ri ght to Defend Human
Friday, October 4, 2019
Banking System in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Banking System in America - Essay Example In the United States of America, separate financial regulatory structures are in place to regulate the Insurance and financial securities aspects of the banking sector at the State and the Federal level and. these regulatory agencies are controlled by the Federal government in conjunction with the State governments. In the United States of America, there are laws that are enacted to prevent money laundering, anti-terrorism laws, laws that are meant to prevent usury lending, anti-fraud and privacy laws, and laws to promote lending of money to people with small incomes, all this fall under the banking sector. This paper discusses the performance of the banking industry in America. In effectively discussing this aspect, this paper will give the industrial characteristics of the banking sector in United States of America. It will review the pricing, efficiency and profitability of the banksin America as well as analyze environmental factors that drive the Banking sector in America and th ereafter access there impacts. This paper seeks to answer the following questions, What are the industrial characteristics of the Banking sector in United States of America? How efficient is the banking system in United States of America in providing services to its people? What are the environmental factors that influence the performance of the banking system in America and what are its implications? The banking system in America is regulated by The National Banking acts of 1863 and 1864 and they are responsible for the creation of the banking system in the United States of America and any other legislation created, needs to be in accordance to this laws. This act promoted the development of a currency that could be used all over the United States of America and it supported withholding of bank assets which includes financial securities offered by the treasury of the United States of America. The National Banking Act recognizes the office of the treasury regulator whose role is to control the value of the United States currency and ensure that banks don’t collude to manipulate the American currency, the dollar. Banks in United States of America are characterized by the notion of relationship banking. This characteristic of the United States Banking system is for the purposes of maintaining profitability . Relationship banking refers to a situation where banks provide financial services through an intermediary. In the United States of America, banks practice these aspects of financial system. The main aim of banks in applying the principles of relationship banking is to enable them acquire information about a client to be used in the long run. These aspects of banking is important because it reduces the cost of gathering information about a client through many transactions and the information gathered, banks can use them to introduce other services in the economy and finally through this system of relationship banking, banks and their clients build a re putation through constant financial interactions and therefore facilitates negotiations of low cost loans. The American banking system is also characterized by emergence of private banks. American banking system allows expansion of commercial banks opened by individuals or companies. This was made possible by the requirements of The National banking act of 1863 which allowed competition in the
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Truth Behind Hitler’s “Mein Kampf†Essay Example for Free
The Truth Behind Hitler’s â€Å"Mein Kampf†Essay Have you ever wonder what is the driving force behind the killing of million of Jews in the regime of Hitler? The idea or the concept behind it came from a deeper belief that was supported by the history. â€Å"Mein Kampf†, which means â€Å"My Struggle†, is an original work of Hitler where his autobiography and his ideologies about life specifically its relation to politics were discussed. This book is particularly about the childhood days of Hitler in Nazi, his future plans in Germany and the struggle for conquering the world in the sense that it would affect the political science and the different human cultures of the world. The existence of the dominating mind was based in the concept of Aryanism which is considered by Hitler as the supreme form of culture. He was stating that the master race of all human culture is a Germanic man who has the physical appearance of fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Through this idea, he divided human to types and he established orders which can be classified into a higher or lower form. It also sets boundary that made the Northern Europeans exclusive. This principle was based on the idea that the Aryans are the only ones who can lead the world. Their place was considered as living space and these will lead in accordance to Hitler’s plan. Like the country Russia, Hitler planned that it would be the place for the source of food for the Northern Europeans. To support his principle, he cited that like the British Empire, who conquered the quarter of the world, he would plan and organize the domination for the supremacy among the others. These are some ideas which Hitler espoused in the book. Considering the concept of cultural organization, it sounds irrational for the thinking of other diplomats. It is the racism that it became very exclusive to their race. The subordinates were established because Hitler believed that it would be an advantage for the others to be subjugated because others will come in contact with the supreme ones and will be given or will be shared with what the Aryans have. Hitler also compared the other races like the Slavic and Jews people as the Untermenschen who are racially inferior. He assigned this idea to Jews because he believed that the Jews are related into conspiracy. Hitler uses a lot of descriptions to the cultural form of the Jews as the unscrupulous and the parasites and not only the Jews but also the Czechs, Russians and the Poles. This was supported by his idea that the Aryans are culturally superior. The culture of the Aryanism as part of the struggle for domination is believed to be the outcome of the high level of arts and sciences and technology of the German people. Hitler believed that the Jews are the ones who manipulated the press and control the world finances, utilizing culture to scatter chaos to other cultures and inventing a liberal form of government like the democratic form. The political battle between the Aryans and the Jews are continued in many years. Even in the military aspect of Germany, the Aryanism was applied. This was strengthened when Germany was defeated in the World War I by France that made France as Germany’s major aim to be conquered. This Nazism became one of the foundations in arranging the ways on how the society should work as planned by Hitler. The invasion was then regarded as part of the schemes of Aryanism to established their race as the supreme ones. This would be their concrete example of being the highest form. The differences between the Aryanism, as related to Nazism as a form of government, and the Jews concept of what should be the human culture, were showed in their endless cultural battle to dominate the world. Like the concept of white supremacy, it can lead to a very threatening tone to other races. Today, the different principles about the way on how should the culture adapt to a new one could be a threat to the original culture. Hitler’s idea and his plans about being the supreme is a big threat to the constructive forms of government. This can be based on the concept of ethnocentrism where that race considers their selves as the center and the most knowledgeable among others. To sum this up, â€Å"Mein Kampf†gives the idea of being the supreme like in the form of dictatorship where only one could lead and should be followed. WORK CITED â€Å"Mein Kampf†. July. 1925. http://www. historyplace. com/worldwar2/timeline/kampf2. htm
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