Saturday, August 31, 2019
Cultural Anthropology/Marriage, Reproduction, and Kinship Essay
Despite being banned both by law and mainstream Mormon doctrine, the practice is not only thriving in heavily Mormon Utah and other parts of the U.S. West but appears to be growing. Underage marriage, incest, emotional and physical abuse towards the wives, and child neglect are some of the few things that are quite common within polygamous communities. One simple way to help prevent these things is to keep marriage a bond between two people, not one man and ten wives or one woman with ten husbands, by enforcing the laws banning polygamy. Firstly, prosecutions of polygamists in modern times have been rare and tend to be restricted to cases where only underage marriage is practiced and rape or child abuse is suspected. Some of the brides are also forced into marriages with a close relative. (â€Å"Polygamy†) In 2007 Warren Jeffs, then the leader of the dissident 10,000-member Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), was imprisoned in Utah after he was convicted of having been an accomplice to rape for his role in arranging marriages between adult male followers and underage girls. In April 2008, more than 460 children from an FLDS compound in Texas were removed by authorities from the custody of their parents after an anonymous tip to an abuse hotline. (â€Å"The Perils of Polygamy†) Another issue that had burst into the open with the high-profile trials of two brothers, David and John Daniel Kingston. One of John Daniel’s daughters, then 16, told police he had forced her to marry her uncle David–who already had 14 wives. When the girl fled home after four sexual encounters with her uncle, she testified, her father beat her with a belt. Amid a blaze of media attention, John Daniel pleaded no contest to child abuse charges in April, and is now serving a 28-week sentence. On July 9, David was sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for incest and unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. Also, in polygamous families, the man of the households all of the power, creating an environment prone to physical and emotional abuse. (â€Å"The Perils of Polygamy†) Carmen Thompson, now 41, spent 13 years as one of a Salt Lake City Mormon man’s eight wives, a harem that she says included the man’s sister and 14-year-old niece. She finally left him, taking their five children, after what she describes as years of beatings, poverty and emotional neglect. Last year, Thompson helped found Tapestry of Polygamy, the first-ever support group for women and children leaving polygamous marriages. Since the beginning of the year, the group has fielded over 300 calls from people seeking help. †In polygamous families, the patriarch has all the power,†says Thompson. †When there’s that kind of imbalance, abuse comes naturally.†Even supporters concede polygamy has its downsides. †The jealousy was very hard to take,†admits Elaine, Harmstons first wife, with whom he had been married over 30 years before taking his subsequent wives. Thompson, the anti-polygamy activist, says the result is a kind of brainwashing. †It’s incredibly emotionally degrading to lie in bed and hear your husband having sex with another woman on the other side of the wall,†she says. †But you’re taught that jealousy is a sin against God that you should fight. You learn to deny your emotions.†(†Canadian Court Rules That Polygamy Ban Is Constitutional†) Women in polygamous relationships face higher rates of domestic, physical and sexual abuse, died younger and are more prone to mental illnesses when being compared to monogamous marriages. Finally, besides underage marriages and abusive environment, the children in polygamous marriages suffer from different types of neglect. ( ¨The Perils of Polygamy ¨) Lillian Bowles was miserable growing up as one of 40 children in a cloistered polygamous community near Salt Lake City. Her father had eight wives and she saw him only once a week, on Saturday nights when it was her mother’s †turn.††He had very little interaction with our lives, but an incredible amount of control,†says Bowles, 26. †We couldn’t even play at a friend’s house without getting his permission. You can talk about consenting adults, but the kids have no choice.†Finances are often a problem, too. It is hard to find, let alone afford, housing for a family that includes three or four wives and a dozen or more children. †We’d go dig food out of the dumpster behind the grocery store every week,†says Bowles. †There were lots o f other families who did the same.†Most families in polygamous situations are on welfare or food stamps. The men in these families cannot financially support all the women and children, and the women are generally not permitted the freedom to choose a career and work outside the family compound. On the other hand, as consenting adults, they should have the right to live however they want as long as they’re not breaking any other state or federal laws. ( ¨The Perils of Polygamy ¨) †We abhor abuse of any kind,,†says Mary Potter, formerly one of a policeman’s three wives and recent founder of a pro-polygamy women’s group, the Women’s Religious Liberties Union. †But abuse is also rampant in monogamous marriages. Why blame our religion?†Lastly, underage marriage, neglect, and abuse can happen in any family’s household and some polygamous families may not condone to any of those things, but there are too many families that do agree that it’s the patriarch’s decision of who marries who and who does what.
Eliade on Baptism
Renate Rodila Professor Nick Newell Rels 2001 17 September 2012 Eliade on Baptism Eliade believes in a sacred space that is connected to the creation of the cosmos from chaos. Through these beliefs Eliade would see baptism as a ritual symbolizing the original act of creation by God. Eliade claims that for religious man and non-religious man a sacred space exists. For religious man the sacred space is not homogenous and divided between the real existing space and the entire formless expanse surrounding it (Eliade 20).For non-religious man, places such as a man’s birthplace can be considered unique and sacred to them (Eliade 24). Religious man separates space between cosmos and chaos. The cosmos is the inhabited world and the chaos is the unknown space outside the world (Eliade 29). Eliade then describes the axis mundi as a vertical feature seen as the center of the world. This center is labeled as a pole, pillar or tree that links the heaven, the earth, and the underworld (Elia de 36).The imago mundi is defined as the cosmos on the ground divided into four regions with the axis mundi as the central point (Eliade 45). The religious man wants to be in a place closest to the gods and can do this by physically living in a location near the axis mundi or by experiencing the cosmos as it was first created. In the book of Matthew and Romans the use of baptism in the Christian world is explained. Matthew 3 tells the story of how baptism started with Jesus going to the Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist.The moment Jesus was baptized the heavens opened up and he saw a dove as the spirit of god (Bible, Matthew 3:16). He also heard a voice from heaven saying, â€Å"This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased†(Bible, Matthew 3:17). Eliade would refer to the Jordan River in Jerusalem as a sacred space for the Christian community. The heavens opening at this spot makes it an axis mundi because it is a place where the communication from earth t o the heavens was exposed.Eliade acknowledges in his writing that Jerusalem is a sacred and holy place in the Judaeo- Christian Traditions (Eliade 44-45). This is the location where Jesus was baptized because of how sacred it was there. In Romans 6 baptism is told to be a way that man can be reborn into a new life free of sin. Baptism make the man become one with the body of Christ and through him become alive to god (Bible, Romans 6:10-11). Then back to Matthew in chapter 28 Jesus told his disciples to baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Jesus can also be considered an axis mundi because he is the connection to the cosmic levels. So by being baptized and becoming one with Jesus a person is able to get closer to God. Being baptized serves as a symbol of the rebirth of the world. Eliade says, â€Å"The experience of sacred time will make it possible for religious man periodically to experience the cosmos as it was†¦at the mythical moment of creation†(Eliade 65). Man needs to experience the creation of the cosmos and for Christians that is through baptism.When someone is baptized that person is submerged in water and the taken back out. The water can be seen as the formless expanse of chaos and emergence from water symbolized creation and birth, whereas on the other hand, immersion in water meant the loss of form and symbolized a return to the situation prior to creation, and death prior to rebirth. To sum it up Eliade would consider the aquatic symbolism of baptism as a way to get closer to God and spiritually reliving the creation of the cosmos.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Index Numbers of Commodity Prices and Industries
Index Numbers of Commodity Prices and Industries In India index numbers are constructed for a wide range of economic subjects and their use is constantly increasing. The construction of index numbers started in India as early as the last quarter of 19th century. The main use of index numbers is to facilitate the assessment of average changes over the years with regard to wide range of economic activities. Many official and non-official agencies compile and publish index numbers of various kind. Index number of industrial production The Index Number of Industrial production was first compiled by the Office of theEconomic Adviser to the Government of India with base 1937 = 100. The index has been revised from time to time with respect to the base year, the basis of weighing and the coverage of items. The current index number is with base 1970 = 100 and the items covered are divided into four groups, viz. , i. Basic industries, it. Capital goods industries, iii. Intermediate goods indus tries and ‘v. Consumer goods industries. Index numbers of commodity prices Index Number of commodity prices may be broadly classified as index number of wholesale prices and index number of retail prices. ) Index number of wholesale prices- The wholesale price index number are of two types: i. The general purpose index is constructed with a view to reflect the changes taking place in the general price level; hence it includes a large number of commodities. i'. A sensitive index on the other hand serves as an indicator of the movements of the general price levels and it includes only few important commodities which generally react quickly to the market trends. The current index number of wholesale prices has 1970-71 as the base year. (b) Index number of retail prices- The chief retail price index numbers ompiled in India are i.Labour bureau index number of retail prices for urban centres and it. Labour bureau index number of retail prices for rural centres. The Labour Bureau, M inistry of Labour, Government of India, compiles and publishes the index number of retail prices for 18 selected urban centres and 11 selected rural centres in various parts of the country on monthly basis. The index number initially had 1944 as the base. Now the construction of this index number is discontinued and it is replaced by simple price relatives of certain selected articles of consumption ith the calendar year 1960 as base year. c) Consumer price index numbers- The consumer price index number compiled and published by the Labour Bureau are important indicators of the changing economic situation in the country. At all India level three different series of consumer price index numbers are compiled. They are: i. Consumer price index of industrial workers, it. Consumer price index for non-manual employees and iii. Consumer price index for agricultural labourers. http://classofl . com/homework-help/statistics-homework-help/
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Struggle for Democracy and Democratic Consolidation Essay
The Struggle for Democracy and Democratic Consolidation - Essay Example The essay "The Struggle for Democracy and Democratic Consolidation" analyzes the struggle for democracy and democratic consolidation and their connection to such themes as corruption, populism, divided societies, and political activism. Society makes a shift to equality, and from there, policies will be yielded by one-person-one-vote and the nation will have more supporting power and the consequential cover, crown, and feast. However, changes in political institutions do not simply happen because the people require them. Transitions to democracy typically take place when the elite controlling the active regime broaden rights. Transfer of political power to the majority mostly guides to social choices that the elite does not like. The theory of democratization is crucial in power transition from the elite to the majority citizens. Revolutions attract citizens thus leading to democracy to stop revolutions from occurring. When revolutions happen much wealth of a society may be destroyed affecting the influential and citizens. These costs force the elite to allow for concession and democratization avoiding revolutions. The power is transferred to the people who participate in decision making through participation. Divided societies exist in a democracy and democratic consolidation is due to the different social classes. Leaders use the fact of classes to appeal to the citizen. Governing institutions for societies are alienated along the lines of customs, culture, language or creed. A historic minority as well as experiences of immigration waves cause divided societies. Futile democratic transitions in plural societies frequently upshot in the bloodiest quarrels and most destructive power strives in developing nations6 today. India has a multiparty parliamentary system of government, a majoritarian first-past-the-post (FPTP) electoral system, an incredibly varied party system with some ethnic-based and some programmatic parties7. Political corruption disguises a sev ere threat to democracy and its consolidation. Corruption, either petty or otherwise has become omnipresent in Indian society and politics. It varies from the bribes that ordinary citizens give to record a statement at the police station, to shady
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Changing Business Enviroments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Changing Business Enviroments - Essay Example in the changing environments and argues that policies and practices have to keep pace with changing times and aspirations of the people. A policy focuses on a desired goal through a statement of intention. For example, a policy may state that inflation will be controlled to a level of 3% or that fiscal deficit will be contained to within 1% of gross national product, or that carbon emissions from power plants shall be reduced by 15%, during a particular period. Similarly, an automaker may declare a policy of achieving 75% level of outsourcing for its components, or business expansion through acquisitions etc. Thus policies, whether declared by a government or by a business, are statements of intention for achieving specific objectives, and act as beacons for concerned executives to follow up with appropriate actions. In Policy Analysis: A Political and Organizational Perspective William Jenkins states that a policy is ‘a set of interrelated decisions taken by a political actor or group of actors concerning the selection of goals and the means of achieving them within a specified situation where those decisions should, in principle, be within the power of those actors to achieve’(Jenkins, 1978). Thus while it is the prerogative of governments to set public policies, governments are goaded into action by the public while for a business it is the specified situations that trigger policy decisions. According to Miyakawa, a public policy is a culmination of a process - a process that examines various options for possible course of action on any specific issue for which there is a public demand, and these issues and demands generally arise out of the prevailing socio-economic situations (Miyakawa, 1999, Science of public policy, Part 12, p.3). Evaluation of options will lead to selection of a policy, implementing plan of actions in order to the achieve the objectives, and monitoring the results
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Basic Security in Corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Basic Security in Corrections - Essay Example The Department of Corrections is essentially committed to achieve public safety, sinking crime rates and making lives and neighborhoods safe. Business Impact Analysis helps us decide which areas are important within the department of Corrections. It helps collect evidence based on experience of the skilled team and knowledge about valuable correctional practices and risk reduction strategies. The first and foremost function that requires improvement would be the service delivery system. It would improve conditions in the prison and the Department of corrections as well. Also, the function that needs to be improved is the technology which enables better monitoring systems too for all basic securities. And all this hand in hand with an unbeatable infrastructure that can support all this. Business Impact Analysis’ actions. programs and services are specially designed to hold the Offenders culprit and accountable and to lower the risk of emerging new crimes and victimizatio ns. Basic Securities refers to all the procedures followed within an organization for ensuring safeguarding of assets, guaranteeing the precision and reliability of records, and encouraging operational correctness and observance to prescribed procedures. Internal Controls also includes the safeguarding of the Computer Systems in the Organization. Security is a rising apprehension because computer systems are now more complex than ever before. Specific security concerns arise from the abundance of PCs, LAN’s, and on-line systems that provides more than one ways of acquiring data from a source. Advancement in technology provides hackers with several new ways of safecracking. Important functions of concern related to computer internal controls generally include: organization controls, systems development controls, maintenance controls, documentation controls, foreign access controls, data controls, procedural controls, physical security, password security
Monday, August 26, 2019
Race and gender assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Race and gender - Assignment Example But Crashs weaknesses far outweigh its strengths. It fails to delineate and explain the differences between forms of bias found in different communities, reduces discussions of race to discussions of feeling and bias, ignores social institutions and different access to privilege and resources, and focuses discussion on race while masking other important factors such as class and gender. Jensen and Wosnitzer explain, â€Å"The central theme of the film is simple: Everyone is prejudiced -- black, white, Asian, Iranian and, we assume, anyone from any other racial or ethnic group. We all carry around racial/ethnic baggage that’s packed with unfair stereotypes, long-stewing grievances, raw anger, and crazy fears. Even when we think we have made progress, we find ourselves caught in frustratingly complex racial webs from which we can’t seem to get untangled†. This is a fair enough point, but is it true? Is everyone equally embroiled? No. Internalized racism is certainly a problem, as is racialized resentment towards a dominant class (e.g. whites, men, etc.) But not all groups are made equal when it comes to their expression of racism and bias. Blacks express the desire to live in integrated communities overwhelmingly; it is whites who are opposed (Defina). Further, more subtly, there is a big difference between the prejudiced attitudes of those who are the oppressed, the underdogs, of societys social structure, and the attitudes of those who are on top. It is the difference between the hatred that the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto felt for the Nazis and the hatred the Nazis felt for the Jews. The hatred might be equally virulent and violent, but the first is defensive and is in response to the perceived actions of the second. The Jews did not think that Nazis were genetically or culturally inferior, vermin who needed to be extinguished; blacks did not think whites were too stupid to manage their own affairs and deserved to be enslaved. It is the dominant group that
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Impact of different variables on the economic growth of Sweden Dissertation
Impact of different variables on the economic growth of Sweden - Dissertation Example This paper has conducted a comprehensive research on finding out the effects of tax policies, employment and wages on the level of economic growth of Sweden. Using empirical data, it has been found that economic growth of Sweden does not depend on tax policy, employment status and wages. I. INTRODUCTION Sweden is a very economically significant country in the world. Although it is a very small country, it experiences significant economic growth. A very interesting thing to note about Swedish economy is the dispute over the character of the economic system of Sweden. Its economic system can not be characterized as a complete socialism or pure capitalism. In Sweden private sector dominates in all production areas. In fact, around ninety percent of total production in this country is produced in private sector. Looking at the dominance of private sector, it seems that there prevails full corporatism in Sweden. But the interesting thing is that majority of production in private sector, a round fifty percent, is exposed to state controls. Looking at this nature of Swedish economy, it is some times characterized as a system of welfare state socialism. Some, however, like to view this system as welfare state corporatism. ... Government undertakes various policies relating to tax, employment and wages. Tax accounts for a major place in fiscal policies. While in one hand, tax is an important source of revenue to the government, on the other hand it also reduces consumer purchasing power by reducing disposable income. Hence, changes in tax policy will definitely have effect on consumer purchasing behavior, and therefore, on aggregate demand of the economy and consequently on GDP of the country. Employment and economic growth has a strong association as well. In fact, there is a cyclical relationship between employment and economic growth where both are dependent on one another. While the level of employment of a country is dependent to a large extent on the level of economic growth, economic growth is also affected by various employment policies. Economic growth of a country is also related to wage level. While some think that a path of low wage can lead to economic growth, some others feel that a high wage economy is more efficient in achieving higher growth. Hence the level of growth of an economy is also dependent on wage policies taken by the government. In Sweden government has a significant role to play in controlling various economic operations. Hence, economic growth of Sweden can well be expected to be dependent on various economic policies undertaken by the government of the country. Hence, it can be assumed that governmental policies in the areas of taxes, employment and wages, produce some impact on economic growth. Aim and objectives It would be, therefore, quite interesting, to find out how tax policies, employment and wages affect economic growth of Sweden. Since the economy of Sweden can not be characterized as a nation which is fully controlled
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Strategy Forumlation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Strategy Forumlation - Research Paper Example Such a mission tends to be at the retailer’s core of existence. Additionally, there is a possibility of variance in other retail strategy, over time it’s paramount to analyze objectives regarding the context of the intended market, identify possible options, obtain and perform resources allocation, and generate implementation plan. It is also important to monitor progress, as well as performing the necessary controls (Girijesh, 2009). While defining purpose or mission of the organization, the retailer presents what he/she intends to accomplish; the purpose should concentrate on the chosen markets within which the retailer intends to operate. Other aspects of concerns regard the commodities to be offered, the target customers, and the geographical location of the organization. Consequently, a situation analysis should be conducted, where the retailer, inwardly seeks to understand the strengths, as well as the weaknesses of the organization (Girijesh, 2009). Outwardly, the retailer should analyze the existing opportunities as well as threats. Such analysis assists in determining the firm’s position strengths, and weaknesses. It is also profound to put into consideration all available alternatives, which would help the retailer tap a given market. Such alternatives include: diversification, market penetration, retail format development, or market development. The two significant aspects of retailers include the market performance as well as the financial performance. While setting the objectives, one has to bear in mind, the market share, profitability targets, sales volume target, returns on investment, and liquidity targets. The resources required by a retailer include the financial resources and human resources. Human resource should reflect consistency with the organization’s overall strategy. The human resource focuses on selecting, recruiting, training, motivating, and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business Models On theWeb Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Models On theWeb - Article Example It shows how YouTube makes its website more attractive to the owners of the content displayed on the web site. You Tube works in conjunction with Google to develop a win-win situation for the two companies. At the same time, YouTube also works with other web sites such as Vevo. As a result, it has been able to improve its balance sheet by monetizing the viewership of its video content. YouTube works very well as an advertisement site for movie marketers. This article therefore fits into the topic of online business models because it explains one of the basic models described in the article for web based business. In the paper, various articles that are related to the article on business models on the web will be analyzed in detail. The article discuses the IT based organization in the new economy. It relates to the business models due to its explanation on how the digital economy is enabling businesses to improve the efficiency of their operations. This article shows how the enterprises which started in the old economy are being revolutionized using information technology. Further, the article also shows how the internet affects the models used in business, government and the economy. The article shows the recent developments in business models such as the use of reverse auctions in bidding. Some of the governments in the modern economies have resulted to electronic bidding in order to engage their suppliers. The electronic models used to engage suppliers in the new economy are highlighted in the article, linking the two articles. Nagata, K. (2011, January 1). Digital Age Leaves Myopic Japan Facing Manufacturing Crisis. Retrieved September 21, 2011, from Japan Times Online: This third article by Nagata discusses business models on the web pertains to the Japanese manufacturing industry, which is threatened with failure since it failed to recognize the need for innovation
Corporate Credibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Corporate Credibility - Essay Example As such, it is true that corporate credibility plays a major role in facilitating for the effectiveness of different types of marketing communications a firm employs to influence the manner in which clients react to advertisements, promotions, and brands (Goldsmith et al., 2010). Corporate credibility depends upon three different factors. These include attitude of consumers towards the advertisement, attitude of consumers towards the brand, and purchase intentions of the clients. Advertisements play a major role in notifying clients about a certain brand in the market and its features (Carroll, 2015). While advertising a product, a company needs to analyze its target audience to determine the mode of advertisement is appealing to them. In this case, when the mode of advertising is appealing to the clients, they are highly likely to develop positive perception towards a company and seek for its products. Nonetheless, if the mode of advertisement is inappropriate, clients develop negative perceptions towards the firm and may not be willing to purchase from the firm. The brand that a company makes should be appealing in terms of names, packaging, taste, and ability to meet the needs of the client. In case a product lacks these features, then clients would discr edit the company and refrain from purchasing its products and services (Carreras et al., 2013). Furthermore, the purchase intentions of a client also influence the credibility of a given organization. A firm should not force a client to purchase a product that he or she does not want. This is because a client knows his or her tastes and preference, meaning that if a firm forces a customer to purchase a product he does not want, then he or she would develop negative perception towards a firm. In this case, it is true that a company should consider the three different factors upon which corporate credibility depends to avoid being discredited by its
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Prose Coursework Essay Example for Free
Prose Coursework Essay One of my favourite short stories is The Birds by Daphne du Maurier. This story is set on a farm on the Cornish coast. The story is based on the main character, Nat Hocken and his wife, and their two children, Johnny and Jill. This is all set in the mid 1900s, at the start of December. It all starts on the 3rd of December. The birds were behaving in a strange manner. Their formations were abnormal, and they looked as if they were planning a liberation or attack. Nat notices all of these activities but does not pay any attention. Later that night the birds started to attack the windows. Nat opened the window and lots of birds flew in and started to assault and harm him. Nat thought that it would be the end of the aggression attacks but he was wrong. Day after day the birds begin to attack more and more aggressively very often. Nat starts concluding that the weather definitely has a lot to do with the birds actions. He now realises that all the common children that he had formerly told to run home are probably0 dead. From now on Nats duty was to protect his family only. When the birds finally broke into the childrens bedroom, Nat then began to pitch and hurl punches towards the birds. He then grabs one of the bed sheets and chucks it over the birds. Then he started to hurl a bed sheet around the room bouncing and hitting it off and into the walls until the birds were either severely injured or dead. Nat is very protective because he takes the risk of attack by boarding up the house and getting the supplies from the now deceased neighbours up the road. At the end they have realised that these sequences of events are happening all over the world. Nat theorized on the millions of years of repressed feeling that the birds had towards the human race and other species on planet earth. After realising that the wireless has no unique or any predicament transmissions to the public or even the world about these attacks, the silence was tensile. Nat had now given up any hope of survival from these anarchists who which represented a race in the animal kingdom that we believed was harmless. My next story is A message from the Pig-Man by John Wain. This story is set in early 1900s in what seems to be the city of London. This story is about a young boy called Eric of around the age of six. His parents are separated and he lives with his Mum and her boyfriend, Donald. Eric always imagines that the Pig-Man is almost like a character from a horror story. When he first heard about the Pig-Man, he started to ponder what the Pig-Man would look like. He concentrates various prospectives about the image of the Pig-Man, The Pig-Mans bucket had a handle; so he must carry it in the ordinary way, in his hand-unless, of course, and he walked on all fours and carried it in his mouth. But that wasnt very likely, because if he walked on all fours what difference would there be between him and an ordinary pig? Eric is very imaginative in his quest to find out what the Pig-Man really is. He realises it is better to confront your problems he asks his mum why dad cant live at home. When she cant answer he gets angry and claims that he hates all adults. The main characters are Eric, Donald, Mum, Dad and the Pig Man. In this story Eric is the pushy character. He keeps considering his theories about the Pig Man and is anxious to find out which one is correct. Donald has a small part in this story, but does get caught in the middle of one of Erics interferences where he asks his Mum why cant his Dad and Donald live together in the house. I believe that Donald must have felt very uncomfortable at that moment in time. The Pig Man is the one at the centre of attention in this story. He causes Eric to behave in a ridiculous way but not for a child. At the start the Pig Mans character is almost mysterious, as the adults do not tell us what his image is like; we only hear Erics knowledge of the Pig Man that is at the minimum. Erics dad is the one who confuses Eric about buying the train set and then leaving which leads to Eric questioning why him and Donald cant stay with Eric and his mum. The vernacular in this short story is evocative towards what perceptions you can have about someone or something when at a young age or unaware of the purpose or the appearance of an individual. What is interesting about these two stories is that they deal with problems that the characters must face for themselves and overcome; one the boy doesnt understand why the dad and the mums boyfriend (Donald) cant live together and he doesnt understand the term Pig Man. And the other is that Nat doesnt understand why the birds are attacking the Village and the world. He finds out when they time their attacks when he realises it had something to do with the tides.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Strategic Planning Essay
Strategic Planning Essay Introduction: Planning is the most important thing for all organization. A successful plan means a successful mission to goal of a business or organization. It doesnt matter the organization big or small. Plan will bring you to face the challenges and opportunities. This will enable to deliver more effectively to meet the needs of target people and strengthen the organization. Planning is the first step towards sustainable funding. Planning should be creative process, simple and straightforward that brings demonstrable benefits. The process of making systematic decisions about proposed future outcomes, the process includes evaluating an organization and the environment in which it operates, establishing long-term goals, and mapping a plan to achieve the goals that have been identified. Strategic planning assumes and incorporates the likelihood of a changing environment that will require adjustments in the identified goals and the process of achieving them. Strategic planning process: Environmental Scanning Developing the environmental scanning structure. The environmental scanning process. Searching for information resources Selecting information resources to scan. Identifying criteria by which to scan. Determining special actions to take on the scanning results Scanning for the institution. Evaluating the process. Key stages of strategic planning process: There are several key stages of strategic planning process: Develop Vision and Mission Business and operation analysis Develop and select strategic option Establish strategic objective Strategy execution plan. Establish resource allocation Execution summary â€Å"Strategy can be seen as an on going ‘positioning process for an organization and strategic planning can be seen as a separate activity reviewed at periodic well- defined intervals†. Strategy involves achieving a competitive advantage for an organization in meeting the needs of customers and fulfilling the expectations of stakeholders. â€Å"An organization with an ‘active strategy will have a ‘plan on which to base its decisions. This plan may be in the form of a written document, or it may be a way of approaching matters as they arise†. Example: In the case of Marks Spencer in the late 1990s, its surveys showed that customer satisfaction did fall over a period of months, but there were a combination of factors causing problems, including a general recession in High Street shops in 1998. Other possible problems for MS that were out limited TV advertising, its supply lines were relatively expensive, and it had difficulties with its product range and with the presentation of its clothes. Although the company recorded profits of over  £1 billion in 1997 and 1998, there was a 23 per cent drop in profits in November 1998. The CEO left the company in 1999 and there were further changes in senior management in the following two years. Major credit cards became accepted, product ranges were altered, product presentation was reviewed and a TV advertising campaign was undertaken under the slogan ‘Exclusively for everyone. (Tim Hannagan, Mastering @Strategic Management, 2002, Palgrave, New York, pg 60) Task 2: Involvement of stakeholders in the strategic planning process. Stakeholders are involved in the effects of strategic management because the actions and the development of the organization will result in change in their circumstances in one way or another. Stakeholders can be described as individuals and groups who are affected by the activities. It can be argued that the most important stakeholders are those who have the most to lose from the organizations actions. It is also important for an organization to be able to assess the power of these groups to influence events and the attitudes of the most powerful groups individuals. Stakeholders include a range of people involved with a company: The shareholders- who own the company and receive dividends. Financial bodies such a banks- who fund organizations in one way or another, and receive added value through interest or by other means. The employee- who receive some of the added value through their pay. The management- who receive added value through their pay and other benefits. The government- which receives part of the added value in the form of taxes. The customers- who consume the results of the value added to a commodity or service through the value chain. The mission and the objectives of an organization have to be developed taking into account the interests of the organizations stakeholders. Stakeholders Expectations Shareholders Financial return Creditors Interest, Creditworthiness, Prompt payment Suppliers Payment, long-term orders Employees Pay, stability, job satisfaction Managers Pay, benefits, power and control Customers Supply of goods and services, quality Government Taxes, employment, economic growth Strategic Management In terms of strategic management the major issue is to identify the relative power of the various stakeholders so that it is clear which of them is the most important to satisfy. On the one hand, it can be said that form any organization the customer comes first, second and third because comes without the customer the purpose of the organization will not exit, on the other hand, there may be other stakeholders who if not satisfied have the power to bring the organization to an end. For an example, Creditors have the power to close an organization if they are not paid, and employees can bring a company to its knees by withdrawing their labour. Every organization has to decide which are its most influential stakeholders and balance out their interests. Task 3: SWOT analysis of an organization: SWOT is an abbreviation for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT analysis is an important tool for auditing the overall strategic position of a business and its environment. Once key strategic issues have been indentified, they feed into business objectives, particularly marketing objectives. The key distinction: Internal and External Issues. Internal Issues: Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors. For example, an strength could be specialist marketing expertise. A weakness could be the lack of a new product. External Factors: Opportunities and Threats are external factors. For example, an opportunity could be a developing distribution channel such as the internet, or changing consumer lifestyles that potentially increase demand for a companys product. A threat could be a new competitor in an important existing market or a technological change that makes existing products potentially obsolete. (S)trengths: Diversifying away from areas of major threat to more promising opportunities. Focusing on modifying weaknesses in spots of significant opportunities. Taking defensive measures in areas of threat where you are weak. (W)eaknesses: Make mind up which weaknesses need to be addressed as a priority. Other weaknesses have got to be accepted and respected until time and resources let find a solution. Some weaknesses can be developed into strengths or opportunities. For instance, it might be feasible to turn a shortage of production capacity into increased value for your product. (T)hreats: Build successful relationships with suppliers and customer. Cultivate good employee relations. Ensure clear and reasonable contracts with suppliers, customers and employees. Procure insurance against evident debacles. Make realistic contingency plans to deal with potential. Establish the right types of service contracts for key personnel. Invest in legal protection for intellectual property. Task 4: The differences between balance scorecard, scenario planning, cost benefit analysis and sensitivity analysis. Balance scorecard: The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. Kaplan and Norton describe the innovation of the balanced scorecard as follows: The balanced scorecard retains traditional financial measures. But financial measures tell the story of past events, an adequate story for industrial age companies for which investments in long-term capabilities and customer relationships were not critical for success. These financial measures are inadequate, however, for guiding and evaluating the journey that information age companies must make to create future value through investment in customers, suppliers, employees, processes, technology, and innovation. Examples: Department Areas Finance Return on Investment Cash Flow Return on Capital Employed Financial Results (Quarterly/Yearly) Internal Business Processes Number of activities per function Duplicate activities across functions Process alignment (is the right process in the right department) Process bottlenecks Process automation Learning and Growth Is there the correct expertise for the job Employee turnover Job satisfaction Training opportunities Customer Delivery performance to customer Quality performance for customer Customer satisfaction rate Customer percentage of market Customer retention rat Scenario Planning: Scenario planning where choices can be screened by matching them to possible scenarios. This is a ‘what if? approach based on possible changes in the organizations environment. This leads to the formation of contingency plans in order to meet the requirements of each of these possible scenarios. For this approach to be useful, the strategic manager has to recognize the onset of the elements of a particular scenario so that the appropriate contingency plan can be introduced. Tim Hannagan, Mastering Strategic Management, 2002, Palgrave, New York, pg 60 Scenario planning or scenario thinking is a strategic planning tool used to make flexible long-term plans. It is a method for learning about the future by understanding the nature and impact of the most uncertain and important driving forces affecting our world. â€Å"Change has considerable psychological impact of the human mind. To the fearful, change is threatening because it means that things may get worse to the hopeful, change is encouraging because things may get better. To confident, change is inspiring because the challenge exists to make thing better â€Å"King Whitney, Jr.†Cost benefits analysis: A cost benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors. These are the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and subtracts all the negatives, the costs. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and all the benefits and property quantify them. Example of a Cost Benefit As the Production Manager, proposing the purchase of a $ 1 million stamping machine to increase output. Before present the proposal to the Vice President, know the need some facts to support suggestion, decide to run the numbers and do a cost benefit analysis. Itemize the benefits. With the new machine, it can be produced 100 more units per hour. The three workers currently doing the stamping by hand can be replaced. The units will be higher quality because they will be more uniform and be convinced these outweigh the costs. There is a cost to purchase the machine and it will consume some electricity. Any other costs would be insignificant. Calculate the selling price of the 100 additional units per hour multiplied by the number of production hours per month. Add to that two percent for the units that arent rejected because of the quality of the machine output. Also add the monthly salaries of the three workers. Thats a pretty good total benefit. Then calculate the monthly cost of the machine, by dividing the purchase price by 12 months per year and divide that by the 10 years the machine should last. The manufacturers specs tell what the power consumption of the machine is and get power cost numbers from accounting then figure the cost of electricity to run the machine and add the purchase cost to get a total cost figure. Now subtract total cost figure from total benefit value and analysis shows a healthy profit. Sensitivity analysis: Sensitivity analysis is a method for testing the degree of sensitivity of a system or models variables by applying incremental changes. The system can be physical or notional and represent the whole project or major element the analysis determines which variables are the most significant having the most impact on results and so helps the selection of the optimal settings or best solution. A technique used to determine how different values of an independent variable will impact a particular dependent variable under a given set of assumptions. This technique is used within specific boundaries that will depend on one or more input variables, such as the effect that changes in interest rates will have on a bonds price. Sensitivity analysis is a way to predict the outcome of a decision if a situation turns out to be different compared to the key prediction(s). Example: An analyst might create a financial model that will value a companys equity (the dependent variable) given the amount of earnings per share (an independent variable) the company reports at the end of the year and the companys price-to-earnings multiple (another independent variable) at that time. The analyst can create a table of predicted price-to-earnings multiples and a corresponding value of the companys equity based on different values for each of the independent variables. Conclusion: Strategy can be seen as an on going positioning process for an organization and strategic planning can be seen as a separate activity reviewed at periodic well defined intervals. References: Tim Hannagan, Mastering @Strategic Management, 2002, Palgrave, New York, pg 60 Tim Hannagan, Mastering @Strategic Management, 2002, Palgrave, New York, pg 50, 51 Kaplan and Norton Tim Hannagan, Mastering @Strategic Management, 2002, Palgrave, New York, pg 60) King Whitney, Jr.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Some Reasons For Unhappiness
Some Reasons For Unhappiness The true American dream of the pursuit of happiness might now directly change into the pursuit of material wealth because some people are becoming unhappy. I assume our immeasurable desires make us unhappy. Psychologists define unhappiness as a mental or emotional state of distress that is distinguished by negative or upset emotions fluctuating from contentment to intense misery. I started my journey reasons for unhappiness, by interviewing some Montgomery College students, and I continued interviewing many other people: my friends, co-workers and relatives. Then, I did some research and watched a great documentary film called HAPPY and some more videos from websites to strengthen my case. Next, I examined people different reasons and views for their unhappiness. The first reason is seriousness of their unhappiness. Some people are not happy because they have extra weight on their body, and others are unhappy because they lost someone they deeply love. Also, they have complex reasons from one another. Some people believe they hate their job because they dont have enough money to afford what they want to buy. Others are not happy because they dont have a job. Health is also another concerning reason. Some people are unhappy because they dont have good health and others are not happy because they dont have money to buy cigarettes. After I studied different types of unhappiness, I found out people can become unhappy in two different ways. One way to be unhappy is having bad relationships among families, co-workers and friends. Another way is having personal problem, such as health. There are also several ways to become happy. These can be reading the Holy Bible, traveling aboard and learning about different cultures, creating great social interaction with your neighbors, or building freedom of choices. Introduction Pressures we carried in our lives can produce destinations for our happiness or unhappiness, such as a final exam for a student, an interview for a job seeker, an experiment for a scientist, or a touchdown for a football player. These conditions are major deciders for our happiness or sadness. Even though it is obvious that every one of us seek a single outcome -joy, there are still many reasons for unhappiness. I believe our happiness can be achieved by feasible dreams or heart desires, but not unobtainable dreams that put us into miserable situations. My assumption is limitless desires for everything we could ask for and even more have made us to not appreciate life and to no be happy. During my study, I found several reasons and research papers about unhappiness, but I mainly focused the dimension, complexity or differentiate, and unhealthiness of unhappiness to support my hypothesis. In this trying research, my goal is study the danger of unhappiness and its consequences and to find recommendations that fulfill a person life with full of happiness. In addition, the purpose of this report is to scrutinize or avoid our unhappiness because I believe it may cause demise. I have included some people life experiences and interviews and expert analyses. Methods According to Ian Sample article, How to be happy? the Guardian newspaper in November 2003, most of us are born with a certain amount of happiness, and our happiness is a best way to achieve our goals. However, unhappiness has been an endless problem for most individuals. Thus, I started by interviewing to proof my assumption. I interviewed some Montgomery Community College students, my friends, my families, and my co-workers, and all the interviews was fun, and besides it helped me to get supportive evidences. After I had numerous interviews, I watched a one and half hour documentary film called HAPPY, directed and written by Roko Belic, on Netflix. The documentary has an extraordinary journey from small town India to the modern city Japan in pursuit of happiness. Also, it has actual life stories of individuals from around the world and influential interviews with some top experts and scientists. It also explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion, happiness. I watched the documentary many times, and I carefully took a note about why people are happy or unhappy. Next, I composed some information about happiness from different website articles, such as the Guardian daily newspaper. In addition, I watched several videos, on, about happiness and unhappiness, which help me to prove my hypothesis come up with strong conclusion and recommendation. Results Depths of unhappiness Nancy Etcoff, a professor of the science of Happiness at Harvard university, in her talk, Happiness and its Surprises on, explained that humans are very sensitive of negative things; hence, they can easily be unhappy. During my study, I mainly focused on the profundity of unhappiness because some people unhappiness was a slight lower-amid gloom. For instance, they were unhappy because they got a parking ticket while parking in No Parking! areas. I tried to avoid this common and ordinary unhappiness, which have easy solutions. For instance, if someone is unhappy about his weight, he can exercise. Also, it was pretty difficulty for me to record consultations about unhappiness. While I was fully concerning to get a negative life experience, some people I interviewed were giving me a commonplace sadness because they concerned about protecting their depressed stories. In general, the majority of my interviewer stories were very common unhappiness. They were simply unhappy in particular situations and overlooked it right away. However, some have emotionally wounded for long period of time, which allowed me to see how unhappiness deeply affected people lives. One of my good friends told me about his agonizing marriage story, and how it affected his life. He told me that he found his wife cheating; however, he has been willing to keep his relationship for the sake of his children. Even though he is still unhappy about it, he mentioned that he fears if he wanted a divorce, he will lose his children. As a result, he chooses to be unhappy and lives with his children than getting divorce. Complexity of unhappiness In my study, I also found that unhappiness can have a different involvedness between ages and situations. For instance, My nephew, age 10, want to play game during weekend if he didnt allowed to play a video game in weekends, he would be unhappy. And, some college students believe that they are not happy because of some bad professors. Their repulsions are even though they have a good or bad grade, they are not happy by the way they are learning in some classes. However, some other college students have different ideas, they believe that the reason why college students are unhappy because of stressful college course, which has various pressures and expectation, and most time these prevent students to earn good grades. Also, my co-workers have different explanation for their unhappiness. Most of my co-workers think they are not happy because of low payment in the company. In contrast, my unemployed friends feel miserable because they couldnt find a job. How unhappiness impact a person health? During my interviews, some people give me feedback of unhappiness concerning to heath. They said that when they feel like there are too many pressures or demands on them, they become stressful. For instance, when they are worrying about tests and schoolwork, they might lose sleep. When they have busy schedules, they might eat on the run. Also, everyone experiences stress at times; adults, teens, and even kids, but there are ways to minimize or to manage those health problems. However, not like the following story. Markus, my co-worker in JCP, told me a poignant story of his ex-girlfriend. He told me that his ex-girlfriend became drug addicted because she was unhappy in her life. When she took drugs, she felt false happy. Thus, she continued to use drugs because if she didnt take drugs, she believed she would have a stressful day. Markus was unhappy by her situation and he tried to stop her for several months. However, she couldnt listen to him. Finally, she ended up death while taking drugs. Discussion During my study of reasons for unhappiness, I found out about two ways of unhappiness which support my hypothesis: one there is dependent unhappiness, and there is independent unhappiness. Dependent unhappiness is unhappiness that we feel when we lost what we had. For instance, if suppose we keep expecting from others: friends and co-workers including our relatives, we finally end up unhappy because people are capable of making mistake. Daniel Kahneman on his talks, The Riddle of experience vs. memory on, explained even though every one of us want to make happy one and another, still people are becoming unhappy because what other people did to them. Independent unhappiness is melancholies that happen when we have desire that has never-ending. For instance, when we comparing ourselves to others. When we want more of something things weather it is bad or good. We are not pretty skillful about thinking quickly before we act, so we need not be disgraceful about our own deeds. If we can solve problems in our life then there is no need of worry, but we still deeply stressed and become unhappy plus hurt our health with the thing we cant solve. During my studies, I have perceived whether it is dependent or independent unhappiness, people are becoming unhappy because they dont have a limit for things. Most of our unhappiness came from the unrestricted desire of achievements. We should have to know our capabilities and potential what wed, and has to keep little expectations from others as much little as possible also from ourselves. Even though our unhappiness is bring those various types of problems and different reasons. Some reasons are depth and some are easy, and some reasons are complex and have health issues. Recommendation to become happy They are many recommendations for our unhappiness. J.D. Roth, a founder of award-winning website Get Rich Slowly, in his article, The Psychology of Happiness: 13 Steps to a Better Life, on, has recommended how to avoid unlimited desires and some step for a better life. Also, he mentioned that people should not compare physically or socially to one another, and to focus to their personal goals. In addition, getting away of unhappiness might have different recommendations, but all have the same impact, which is becoming happy again. No one ever found happiness alone, gazing at his navel. Happiness is not personal. It is relational. If we improve our relationships, we will surely boost our happiness. Thus, traveling aboard and exploring new things, becoming closely connected or associated with neighborhoods are some of freedom of choice: doing what someone loves to do and knowing limitation: avoiding life pressures can help us to get away from unhappiness. Work cited: Sample, Ian. How to Be Happy. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 19 Nov. 2003. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . The Psychology of Happiness: 13 Steps to a Better Life. Get Rich Slowly à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Personal Finance That Makes Sense. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . Nancy Etcoff: Happiness and Its Surprises. TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . 2005, World Values Survey. Happiness Net Statistics Countries Compared. NationMaster, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . Daniel Kahneman: The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory. TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . Happy. IMDb., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2012
Monday, August 19, 2019
Crime Control versus Due Process in Canada :: Criminal Justice Papers
Crime control and due process are two different ideal types of criminal justice. One could say they are extremes on a continuum. The role of crime control is to get the criminal off the street and to protect the innocent. The due process model of criminal justice is like an obstacle course, you have to keep going through legal obstacles to ensure in the end you convict the right person. In Canada the police lean toward crime control and the courts lean toward due process. This causes tension between the police and the courts. I will argue for both crime control and due process, putting more weight on due process If we did not have due process in Canada, people in positions of power, could manipulate the system for their own personal or political gain and railroad the innocent off to prison. One of the benefits of due process is demonstrated in the Belshaw case. The inquisitorial system of justice is based on crime control; the Swiss police had a hard time in Canada with Mr. Belshaw, because of his right to due process, under Canadian law. Both systems of justice share common beliefs, for example, they both look for proof beyond a reasonable doubt. In Canada we fight about facts and laws, where-as the inquisitorial system searches for the facts. The adversarial system has a separation of powers with the police, crown, defense, and the judge. It is quite different for the inquisitorial system of justice, the police do the arrest, then they present the facts to crown, which then decide if they have a case and turn over the evidence to the judge. The only problem is that the judge decides what will lead them to the truth. How any evidence was collected is irrelevant. In due process if the police obtain evidence and violate the law or a persons charter of rights and freedo ms the judge will exclude the evidence from the hearing, even if it would help or prove that the person is guilty. These two systems of justice are generated in democratic traditions. In the case of Alois Dolejs the crime control model, was swift and took the criminal off the streets. The police had a lot of circumstantial evidence, for example, bloody cloths and two different types of blood. On the advise of his attorney, he was instructed not to disclose the location of the bodies, until after the trial.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Atkins Diet Versus Low-Fat Diets Essay -- Health Nutrition Diet Ex
The Atkins Diet Versus Low-Fat Diets         The Atkins diet and the USDA recommended low-fat diet seem to be on the opposite sides of the diet spectrum. These two diets have many differences and no apparent similarities, other than the goal of losing weight. These differences include the results of the diets, possible side effects, and the theories behind the diets. The Atkins diet recommends reducing carbohydrate intake in order to lose weight. Conversely, the low-fat diet recommends reducing caloric intake to lose weight; especially the calories from fat. The Atkins diet and the low- fat diet differ in the methods behind their diets, the results that participants experience while on the diet and the possible side effects linked to the diet.         The methods behind the Atkins diet and the low-fat diet differ extensively. The Atkins diet is based on the theory that a reduction in carbohydrate intake will lower the dieter’s body weight. The recommended amount of carbohydrates for this diet is 20 grams for the first phase of the diet. During the second stage of the diet, participants are encouraged to increase their carbohydrate intake by 5 grams every week until their weight loss has stopped. Usually the intake of carbohydrates remains under 30 grams a day for the duration of the diet. The rest of the diet consists of an unlimited amount of protein and fat. On the other hand, the low-fat diet restricts caloric intake about 2,000 calories (depending on your age, sex, and height) in order to lose weight. Within the dieter’s restricted amount of calories; 30% of the overall calories can be from fat, 10% from protein, and 60 % from carbohydrates. On a 2,000 calorie diet, this wo... ...n negative side effects due to the lack of fiber through fruits, vegetables and grains; whereas those on low-fat diets have shown the positive side effect of a lowered risk of heart disease.         The Atkins diet and the low-fat diet show differences in their method of weight loss, the short-term and long-term results of their diet and the side effects that are caused by the method of the diet. The Atkins diet emphasizes the reduction of carbohydrates from the diet in order to lose weight; whereas the low-fat diet emphasizes the reduction of calories, especially those high in fat. The Atkins method seems to cause more weight loss than the low-fat diet within the first 3-6 months but shows similar loss after 12 months. But this increased weight loss early in the diet is accompanied by more negative side effects than the low- fat diet.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Effects of Peer Pressure on the Graduating of Angelicum College Essay
We learners have always been exposed to peer influence, but the kinds of peer influence that they encounter have changed tremendously in the past years. Peers can influence everything from whether or not a student engages in academics or other things. This is an important topic because if society and education related professionals understand the issues surrounding negative peer influence, they are more likely to prevent it and be more adequately prepared to help a teenager facing positive and negative aspects of peer pressure. The researchers dealt with the Effects of Peer Pressure on the Graduating Batch of Angelicum College, school year 2013-2013. The researchers examined the positive and negative effects of peer pressure to the graduating learners. The researchers further attempted to find out whether the students are influenced by their friends in doing their modular activities or are they more motivated to work with their friends. The researchers conducted a survey to the randomly selected learners from the seven moderatorship classes from the graduating batch of Angelicum College school year 2012-2013. The survey was used to elicit the subjects’ perceptions of peer pressure on educational issues. In conducting the survey forms, the researchers used the term ‘friends’ instead of peers and ‘influence’ instead of pressure, so that the subject would not be pressured when answering the survey. The results showed how peer pressure affects the subjects’ academics and school life. The subjects’ answers on their interest in attending to the same college as their peers seem to be in a 50/50 percentage. The analysis further revealed that peer pressure is a major factor to the academic achievement of the learners. The general conclusion emanating from this study was that first; peers exert some influence on the students’ decisions concerning academic activities and aspirational decisions. Secondly, peers are somehow a huge factor for the learners to work on the given modular activities. In general therefore, the researcher concludes that the effect of peer pressure largely affects the learners in their academic pacing. More research needs to be undertaken to compare the data taken from the learners in Angelicum College to the graduating learners in other schools. Also, to know other factors of peer pressure to the graduating learners should be studied to determine the effects on learner susceptibility to peer pressure.
Chinese philosophy Essay
Taoism is a philosophical and religious tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the â€Å"Dao†or â€Å"Tao†. Tao, the core concept of Taoism, stands for â€Å"way†, the way of everything, the way shows how our universe run, the way how individuals can improve their soles better. In Zhou dynasty, there were many different philosophers talking about Tao/Dao. Gradually, the main definition of Taoism became ambiguous. Taoism, known by a religion, is very ancient in China. Taoism is about multi-gods. Besides those gods who once appeared in the immortal stories, there are many gods who were greatest educator or philosophers as well. Such as the founder of the theory of Taoism, Lao Zi, he is the highest-level god in the religion. Moreover, great educators and historical people like Confucian and Mencius or the hero Yue Fei or Guan Gong, they are also the gods in the religion. Taoists are seeking immortality. From the foundation of Taoism in 2 AD, Taoists have been seeking the best way to longer their lives. Taoists don’t care about what will happen â€Å"after life†. During these two thousand years, besides the development of their belief, Taoists also make a great contribution to iatrology. There are two part of Taoism in China. One is called â€Å"Zheng Yi Jiao†and the other called â€Å"Quan Zhen Jiao†. â€Å"Zheng Yi Jiao†was original from â€Å"Wu Dou Mi Jiao†, founded by Zhang Daoling while â€Å"Quan Zhen Jiao†was founded by Wang Chongyang. Now, in China main land, most Taoism temples are Quan Zhen Jiao. As for Zheng Yi Jiao, most Taoists are living in Taiwan now. Taoists of Quan Zhen Jiao must be vegetarians, living in temple and wearing the Taoist clothes. On the contrary, Zheng Yi Taoist don’t need to live in the temple. They can get married and eat meat as well. In China, Taoism is important not because it is a religion but it is part of the culture. In other words, there is a strong interaction between the developments of Taoism and Chinese culture. Taoism is an ancient philosophy and also a religion. When talking about Taoism as a philosophy, it is based on the theories from Lao Zi, Kong Zi (Confucian), Zhuang Zi, Meng Zi (Mencius) etc. All of them are from Zhou to Zhanguo Dynasty but Lao Zi is the founder of the philosophy of Taoism. Lao Zi was a wise man in Zhou Dynasty that is the third dynasty of Chinese culture. The main book of Lao Zi is called . It is said that Lao Zi was sitting on a bull going out of the city. The guard recognized Lao Zi and asked him where he was going. Lao Zi did not say a thing but left to the guard. In , Lao Zi addressed the basic theories of the universe and individual behaviors. Lao Zi maintains the universe is the root of everything. We should obey the natural changes so that we can make things better. The book is the foundation of Taoism and also of other philosophers’ theories because, as what I mentioned above, the core concept is Tao/Dao (way). Zhuan Zi, which is seen as the main developer as Lao Zi’s theory. In China, people will say â€Å"Lao Zhuang Zhe Xue†which means â€Å"Lao/Zhuang Philosophy†. Zhuang Zi hold the view that Tao/Dao is before human beings and is spirit. Therefore we should follow our spirit. According to L/Z Philosophy, Tao/Dao is metaphysis, is beyond our mind, is something we can/should not to change. When it came to Confucian and Mencius, the theories become a little different from the previous ones. Confucian and Mencius focus more on humanity even they started their concept from Tao/Dao. Most western point of view describe Confucian and Mencius’ theories as Confucianism. Literately differentiated from Taoism. Personally, comparing Confucianism and Taoism, I would say Taoism is the highest form of Taoism. Confucianism is based on humanity. It is about how to behave as a nice person, to people, to society. However, Taoism is more about the universe and about â€Å"Tao/Dao†the highest level in Chinese philosophy and culture. Thus, only learnt how to become a â€Å"nice person†can individuals reach the higher level of the philosophy.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Our Five Senses
Unit 2: Teamwork Assignment, Team A Romy Brannen, Amy Eoff-Stanley, Kourtney Trehern, Amanda Basher, Nathan Palmer, Debra Lee General Psychology – 2027 May 15, 2010 Our Five Senses, Vision, Smell, Hearing, Taste, and Touch The following paper is an explanation of our five senses. How they work and why do we have them. Would a person be able to function if one or more senses were lost? All these questions are answered in following document. Our entire sensory system consists of numerous amounts of different sensors.The main senses are vision, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Those senses are important. They play a role in our everyday life. Losing one of these senses could be crucial. Let us start with vision. There are many different parts to the eye. The cornea is the window, which has a curve to it. This feature makes it possible to bend light and helps you see more clearly. The pupil works in two different ways. When increased the range of the pupil focuses on the distance s of the objects. As to when decreased it is harder to focus on the objects.Once the object passes the pupil it enters the lens, which can properly focus on the rear of the eye. Adaption allows the lens to change the thickness by flattening objects at a distance, or becoming rounded for closer objects. The eye’s retina then sends the image to the brain. The retina has a thin layer of nerves in the back of the eyeball. They consist of two light sensitive cells known as the rods and cones. Rods are cylinder shaped cells that are highly sensitive to light. Cones are well cone shaped and they are for sharp focus and color.The cones concentrate on the fovea, which allows us to focus on a certain object clearly. Rods and cones have to adaptations, dark and light. Darkness adaptation is leaving a well-lit room and entering a dim room. Light adaptation is the opposite. When stimulated, the eye triggers a neural response that is the transmitted to the other cells in the retina, called the bipolar cells and the ganglion cells. Bipolar cells get information from the rods and cones and send the information to the ganglion cells, which collect the information, which then is the sent to the brain by the optic nerve.The optic nerve splits behind the eye, where the right side of both retinas goes to the right side of the brain and the left side of retinas goes to the left side of the brain. This turns the image right side up. | Smell is another one of our five senses. We can detect a variety of more than 10,000 smells. With our sense of smell, we are able to detect different emotions as well. We release a certain chemical called pheromones. Once airborne, we cannot smell pheromones, yet our brain will detect them as a hidden form of communication.This explains attraction between people. We receive smell by molecules entering the nasal passage where they meet with the receptor neurons of the nose. Each receptor neuron detects a certain type of smell, then travel to the brain. Our brain then combines all different odors into one particular smell. Next, the sense of taste detects 4 main tastes; sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. The brain combines the four tastes then processes into one taste recognizable taste. About once every 10 days, our taste buds are replaced. Because if our taste buds weren't constantly reproducing, we'd lose the ability to taste after we'd accidentally burned our tongues. †(Feldman, â€Å"Understanding Psychology†, 2008, p. 110). The following describes our skin. This has four additional senses. All of which are very important as well. The skin has receptors that respond to touch, pressure, and temperature. The sense of touch gives us information from our surroundings. A network of nerve endings and touch receptors controls it. One of the main receptors is mechanoreceptors that allow our bodies to feel pressure, vibrations, and textures.Next is thermo receptors, it helps us to feel when something is hot or cold. N ext are pain receptors, they detect pain. And last is proprioceptors, they help us to dress and feed ourselves. If one of those senses would be lost, for instance our sense of pain, we would not be able to feel if we got hurt, like burning our hand on a stove or even break a bone. With our sense of touch, we are able to feel when something is wrong and when something is okay. (Sense of touch: 2010, www. hometrainingtools. com/article). One of our major senses is sound erception, the sense of hearing. We sense sound with our ears. Vibrations detected in the ear change to electrical signals, and then transmitted by nerves to the brain. There, those signals are processed and recorded. Characteristics of sound include pitch and loudness. You may be wondering how the ear works. The way the ear works is as follows; sound waves vibrate the eardrum, just inside your ear. That sends waves through a fluid inside a narrow tube called the cochlea. That in turn vibrates tiny hairs which are tune d to the different pitches of the sound.Information from the vibration of the hairs stimulates nerves that send the signals to the brain for processing. (Feldman, 2008, â€Å"Understanding Psychology†, pp 105-106). The sound you hear has both pitch and loudness. The pitch or tone of a sound wave is determined by its frequency, which is the wavelength divided by the speed of sound. The sound you hear consists of different frequencies or wavelengths, which determine their pitch. The amplitude of a sound wave determines its loudness. There is minimum amplitude required for you to hear a sound.Sounds that are too loud can be very painful to us, or even damage the ear and cause loss of hearing. However, the ear has another function, which is balance. Two main structures make it possible for us to move without falling over. Semicircular canals are three tubes like structures of the inner ear containing fluid. When we move, the fluid moves inside those tubes as well. Therefore, our brain is able to recognize rotation or angular movement. Otoliths are crystals that move within the semicircular canals, which make it possible for our brain to sense body acceleration. Through vision, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, we can see they all work together. For example, a trip to the beach would stimulate our senses for a pleasurable day. Through our sense of vision we see the beauty of the beach. Hearing allows us to experience the sounds of the ocean and waves braking. We can smell and taste the food of the venders on the boardwalk. As well as feeling the sand on our feet when walking to the water. Conclusively we can see that each sense enhances the others.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
How Does Steinbeck Present the Character of Curleys Wife
How does Steinbeck present the character of Curleys Wife? In this essay I am going to be assessing the character Curleys Wife from Steinbeck’s book Of Mice And Men. The book is set in the 1930s during the Great Depression it features two farm workers called George and Lennie. The travel around together in search of work sharing a dream of a place of their own, a small ranch where they can live and work for themselves. It tells the story of how violence may erupt to destroy those dreams.Curleys wife is a character in the book who from the brief encounters with her is presented in two ways. Firstly the dangerous, flirtatious character who isn’t trusted by the rest of the ranch workers but then later one we realize how she is just a victim of loneliness with her being the only girl on the ranch and how she too has an incomplete American Dream to pursue an acting career. Curleys wife is a very important character and is heavily involved in the outcome of the story when Geor ge ends up shooting Lennie however there is the question of her innocence.Before we meet Curleys wife, Steinbeck deliberately gives us a first impression of her to let us know their honest views on her with Candy and Georges conversation. Candy starts by saying â€Å"Wait’ll you see Curleys wife. †, this makes us anticipated of her and gives us an expectation of what is going to be said about her. During the conversation the only positive thing said was that she was â€Å"purty†. She is portrayed as being flirty and not satisfied with her husband when Candy claims â€Å"Married two weeks and got the eye?Maybe that’s why Curleys pants is full of ants. †This makes the reader think because if they were newlywed they should be on their honeymoon period however one is overly flirtatious and the metaphor â€Å"pants is full of ants†shows the others paranoid over her, this gives us the sense something’s not right with their relationship. S teinbeck exaggerates the use of the phrase â€Å"the eye†to mirror the fact she repeatedly flirts with the men in search of attention.Steinbeck describes her negatively when he refers to her as a â€Å"tart†when Candy says â€Å"well i think Curleys married†¦ a tart†, the ellipsis shows Candy’s unsure whether he should refer to her in such an insulting manner but he chooses to anyway. The conversation prejudices Curleys wife before we even meet her and the fact George thinks she will be trouble prepares the reader for future events. Steinbeck uses his description of Curleys wife carefully to give us a certain first impression on her before finding out more about her. The escription starts with â€Å"the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off†, the light being cut off could be foreshadowing her being the obstacle that would eventually ruin George and Lennies hopes and dreams. Steinbeck then calls her a â€Å"girl†rather than a woman implying her youth and vulnerability, he continues keeps her unnamed to uphold the prejudice women faced in the 1930’s and to show the oppressive misogyny posed against her and how she is only seen through her relation to Curley and is ultimately a possession of his, unworthy of a unique identity.Steinbeck also claims she was â€Å"looking in†showing her as an outsider who doesn’t really fit in and when she does look in, it’s to see something she hopes to have in the future, friendship. When Steinbeck starts to describe her appearance he starts with â€Å"she had full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up†this makes us realise she hides her face with makeup showing her self-consciousness and gives the impression she is trying to look older however it’s not working by her previously being referred to as a â€Å"girl†.Steinbeck repeats the word red when he says â€Å"her fingernails were red†and then †Å"red ostrich feathers†, the noun red has many meanings for example, love but it also means danger and stop. This could again be showing signs of what the future could hold for her and how her desire for love becomes a great danger when leading to her death. Her facial features are a great contrast to her â€Å"nasal, brittle†voice that implies she’s about to break.Curleys wife is provocative with her body language as she is described to have â€Å"put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward†and â€Å"she looked at her fingernails†, she is very conscious of the affect she has on men and uses this to her advantage however her inappropriate clothes and her behavior I think are designed to provoke interest and attention rather than to invite intimacy, we later learn this is because of her loneliness in her marriage to Curley.Her loneliness is clear by her constant asking of the whereabouts of Cu rley proving she is just looking for an excuse to continue her conversation with the ranch workers. The perceptions we make of Curley's wife are corrupted from the views of the ranch hands. Because sexuality is her only weapon she is referred to by George as ‘jailbait' and ‘ a tart' ‘Jesus what a tramp. ‘ George has reason to be weary of her presence especially with Lenny around and the incident in Weed. Listen to me you crazy bastard†¦ Don't you even look at that bitch. He is concerned about Lennie safety because he knows he won’t be able to resist her. The next time Steinbeck presents Curleys wife is in her conversation with Lennie, Candy and Crooks. In this extract we see how Curleys wife clearly enjoys having power over others and because she is the only girl on the ranch she is prone to discrimination by being made to feel like one of Curleys possessions.We first get this impression when she refers to them as â€Å" a bunch of bindle stiffs – a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep†, Curleys wife wouldn’t dare say these insults to anyone else but she would to these three men purely because one is older, one is mentally challenged and the other is a black man who in the 1930’s faced larger discrimination than girls. However her vulnerability is still shown when she asks â€Å"whatta ya think I am, a kid? †.The use of this rhetorical question makes us remember how she doesn’t want to be thought of as a little kid linking Back to when Steinbeck repeatedly called her a â€Å"girl†rather than a woman giving us the impression that even she realises how lowly she is thought of in the ranch so Steinbeck makes her speak â€Å"contemptuously†to show how she thinks they are beneath her. This scene adds to making the reader dislike her and see her as the downfall of the men in the story. Steinbeck lets us learn more about Curleys wife in the final scene be fore her death.Here we learn that she too has her own dream just like all the other men on the ranch, her dream was to become a movie star in Hollywood and here we also see a completely different side to her initial flirtatious character we originally meet. Curleys wife’s naivety is demonstrable in her approach and attitude towards her dream. â€Å"I coulda made something of myself†she refuses to accept that her dream had a very little chance of coming true, when she says â€Å"maybe I will yet†she uses her dream as an escape from her loveless marriage and pitiful life; she is deluded that her dream will be realised and clings to the hope of a better life.Curleys wife also blames others for the breakdown of her dream, especially her mother, â€Å"My ol’ lady wouldn’t let me†¦. if I’d went I wouldn’t be livin’ like this you bet†she is using her mother as a scapegoat for the failure of her dream, and her current si tuation. Therefore by marrying Curley, she has managed to escape her mother who she feels is responsible for preventing her from achieving her dream of being a movie star. â€Å"an I coulda sat in them big hotels†, Curleys wife’s dream revolves on what could have been, she yearns for luxuries and attention,.Like the men she desires friendship, but her dream is more materialistic; she seeks the attention she feels she deserves. When Curleys wife is telling Lennie about her dream, Steinbeck states that â€Å"Her words tumbled out in passion of communication as though she hurried before her listener could be taken away†This links to her desperation for someone to talk to and how she yearns for some sort of interaction. Curleys wife dream makes her more vulnerable and human. Steinbeck recreates this impression by portraying her innocence in death.Steinbeck uses very specific language when describing how Curleys wife was murdered by Lennie. In this extract we see ho w she underestimated Lennie’s great strength and this is proven when she says â€Å"Jus’ like a big baby†, we as readers know he is capable of murder and we know he is anything but a big baby adding to the tension. Steinbeck does give us a moment of hope when he remembers his Aunt Clara who he has occasionally forgotten, this gives us hope that he will remember Georges warnings on Curleys wife but this isn’t the case.Curleys wife invites Lennie to feel her hair after hearing about his love of stroking soft things and she soon realises her mistake when she goes â€Å"Don’t you muss it up†and when Lennie refuses to let go she cries â€Å"let go†â€Å"you let go†the use of these short sentences lets us realise her panic. Steinbeck declares how she â€Å"writhed to be free†this could really mean how she ached to be free of the ranch and of Curley.Then when he adds how â€Å"her hoarse cry came out†it creates a ma jor contrast to when she wasn’t heard by the men and when her voice is needed the most she is being stifled. He even mentions how her â€Å"eyes were wild with terror†, they aren’t being described with being heavily made up. When Curleys wife is killed Steinbeck ensures the readers sympathy for Lennie is maintained. The reader sees the killing as an inevitable consequence of Lennie’s bear-like strength and Curleys wife’s desire for attention.The use of the simile â€Å"and he shook her and her body flopped like a fish†creates an unsympathetic image, further emphasised with the alliterative â€Å"f†, as we tend not to feel sorry for dying fish in the way we may for a different animal. The sympathy the reader may feel for Curleys wife is weakened with â€Å"and she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck†as this seems harsh. This tone reminds the reader that Lennie would not have wanted to break her neck it was just something that happened so, even though he has committed a terrible act, the reader does not fully blame Lennie.The repetition of the natural imagery, including the clear link to the animalistic imagery when Curleys hand was crushed as he â€Å"flopped like a fish on a line†, both links Curley and his wife as the enemy, but also reminds the reader of Lennie’s early description as a bear, reiterated with his â€Å"paw†-like hands throughout the novel. Because of this, it seems clear that this was both inevitable and natural as bears do kill fish, and Steinbeck could be highlighting the predatory nature of the world; it could also suggest that Steinbeck was trying to show the constancy of the natural world and Lennie is just another victim in this world.However when Curleys wife is dead Steinbeck seems to show her the respect she deserves as his description of Curleys wife after her death is evidently more complimentary than previous occasions. He starts by saying â€Å"T he meanness and the planning and the discontent and the aches for attention was all gone from her face†this straight away lets us realise that only from her death we see the other side to her, the side that was unhappy with her marriage and her life, her incomplete dream and the constant craving for a companion and all this because of her death simply disappears.Steinbeck also uses words such as â€Å"sweet and young†to project Curleys wife more positively as a pretty, young woman, free of all mean qualities. This contrasts to the other times he referred to her as a â€Å"girl†because this time he is reflecting her purity rather than her childlike features. When he says â€Å"Now her rouged lips and her reddened cheeks made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly†it shows us what her life could have been like if she were to have completed it to its full potential. The way Steinbeck portrays her now is a lot more poetic showing his respect.In my conclu sion I think Steinbeck manages to portray two sides to Curleys Wife in the book Of Mice and Men. The first side is the misunderstood girl who isn’t trusted and her need for company and a friend is mistaken for a flirtatious troublemaker. However at the end of the novel Steinbeck makes her intentions clear and shares her dream of becoming a Hollywood movie star giving the readers the chance to see the vulnerable side of her, the one that shows her as not wanting but needing somebody to talk to.The need for such things is what caused her death. Lennie was keeping her company and she needed this so much that she was willing to let him harm her, and in this case kill her. Steinbeck also shows her differently in death as well. He gives Curleys wife respect and describes her as being beautiful and majorly contrasts the provocative way he did beforehand. How Does Steinbeck Present the Character of Curleys Wife How does Steinbeck present the character of Curleys Wife? In this essay I am going to be assessing the character Curleys Wife from Steinbeck’s book Of Mice And Men. The book is set in the 1930s during the Great Depression it features two farm workers called George and Lennie. The travel around together in search of work sharing a dream of a place of their own, a small ranch where they can live and work for themselves. It tells the story of how violence may erupt to destroy those dreams.Curleys wife is a character in the book who from the brief encounters with her is presented in two ways. Firstly the dangerous, flirtatious character who isn’t trusted by the rest of the ranch workers but then later one we realize how she is just a victim of loneliness with her being the only girl on the ranch and how she too has an incomplete American Dream to pursue an acting career. Curleys wife is a very important character and is heavily involved in the outcome of the story when Geor ge ends up shooting Lennie however there is the question of her innocence.Before we meet Curleys wife, Steinbeck deliberately gives us a first impression of her to let us know their honest views on her with Candy and Georges conversation. Candy starts by saying â€Å"Wait’ll you see Curleys wife. †, this makes us anticipated of her and gives us an expectation of what is going to be said about her. During the conversation the only positive thing said was that she was â€Å"purty†. She is portrayed as being flirty and not satisfied with her husband when Candy claims â€Å"Married two weeks and got the eye?Maybe that’s why Curleys pants is full of ants. †This makes the reader think because if they were newlywed they should be on their honeymoon period however one is overly flirtatious and the metaphor â€Å"pants is full of ants†shows the others paranoid over her, this gives us the sense something’s not right with their relationship. S teinbeck exaggerates the use of the phrase â€Å"the eye†to mirror the fact she repeatedly flirts with the men in search of attention.Steinbeck describes her negatively when he refers to her as a â€Å"tart†when Candy says â€Å"well i think Curleys married†¦ a tart†, the ellipsis shows Candy’s unsure whether he should refer to her in such an insulting manner but he chooses to anyway. The conversation prejudices Curleys wife before we even meet her and the fact George thinks she will be trouble prepares the reader for future events. Steinbeck uses his description of Curleys wife carefully to give us a certain first impression on her before finding out more about her. The escription starts with â€Å"the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off†, the light being cut off could be foreshadowing her being the obstacle that would eventually ruin George and Lennies hopes and dreams. Steinbeck then calls her a â€Å"girl†rather than a woman implying her youth and vulnerability, he continues keeps her unnamed to uphold the prejudice women faced in the 1930’s and to show the oppressive misogyny posed against her and how she is only seen through her relation to Curley and is ultimately a possession of his, unworthy of a unique identity.Steinbeck also claims she was â€Å"looking in†showing her as an outsider who doesn’t really fit in and when she does look in, it’s to see something she hopes to have in the future, friendship. When Steinbeck starts to describe her appearance he starts with â€Å"she had full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up†this makes us realise she hides her face with makeup showing her self-consciousness and gives the impression she is trying to look older however it’s not working by her previously being referred to as a â€Å"girl†.Steinbeck repeats the word red when he says â€Å"her fingernails were red†and then †Å"red ostrich feathers†, the noun red has many meanings for example, love but it also means danger and stop. This could again be showing signs of what the future could hold for her and how her desire for love becomes a great danger when leading to her death. Her facial features are a great contrast to her â€Å"nasal, brittle†voice that implies she’s about to break.Curleys wife is provocative with her body language as she is described to have â€Å"put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward†and â€Å"she looked at her fingernails†, she is very conscious of the affect she has on men and uses this to her advantage however her inappropriate clothes and her behavior I think are designed to provoke interest and attention rather than to invite intimacy, we later learn this is because of her loneliness in her marriage to Curley.Her loneliness is clear by her constant asking of the whereabouts of Cu rley proving she is just looking for an excuse to continue her conversation with the ranch workers. The perceptions we make of Curley's wife are corrupted from the views of the ranch hands. Because sexuality is her only weapon she is referred to by George as ‘jailbait' and ‘ a tart' ‘Jesus what a tramp. ‘ George has reason to be weary of her presence especially with Lenny around and the incident in Weed. Listen to me you crazy bastard†¦ Don't you even look at that bitch. He is concerned about Lennie safety because he knows he won’t be able to resist her. The next time Steinbeck presents Curleys wife is in her conversation with Lennie, Candy and Crooks. In this extract we see how Curleys wife clearly enjoys having power over others and because she is the only girl on the ranch she is prone to discrimination by being made to feel like one of Curleys possessions.We first get this impression when she refers to them as â€Å" a bunch of bindle stiffs – a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep†, Curleys wife wouldn’t dare say these insults to anyone else but she would to these three men purely because one is older, one is mentally challenged and the other is a black man who in the 1930’s faced larger discrimination than girls. However her vulnerability is still shown when she asks â€Å"whatta ya think I am, a kid? †.The use of this rhetorical question makes us remember how she doesn’t want to be thought of as a little kid linking Back to when Steinbeck repeatedly called her a â€Å"girl†rather than a woman giving us the impression that even she realises how lowly she is thought of in the ranch so Steinbeck makes her speak â€Å"contemptuously†to show how she thinks they are beneath her. This scene adds to making the reader dislike her and see her as the downfall of the men in the story. Steinbeck lets us learn more about Curleys wife in the final scene be fore her death.Here we learn that she too has her own dream just like all the other men on the ranch, her dream was to become a movie star in Hollywood and here we also see a completely different side to her initial flirtatious character we originally meet. Curleys wife’s naivety is demonstrable in her approach and attitude towards her dream. â€Å"I coulda made something of myself†she refuses to accept that her dream had a very little chance of coming true, when she says â€Å"maybe I will yet†she uses her dream as an escape from her loveless marriage and pitiful life; she is deluded that her dream will be realised and clings to the hope of a better life.Curleys wife also blames others for the breakdown of her dream, especially her mother, â€Å"My ol’ lady wouldn’t let me†¦. if I’d went I wouldn’t be livin’ like this you bet†she is using her mother as a scapegoat for the failure of her dream, and her current si tuation. Therefore by marrying Curley, she has managed to escape her mother who she feels is responsible for preventing her from achieving her dream of being a movie star. â€Å"an I coulda sat in them big hotels†, Curleys wife’s dream revolves on what could have been, she yearns for luxuries and attention,.Like the men she desires friendship, but her dream is more materialistic; she seeks the attention she feels she deserves. When Curleys wife is telling Lennie about her dream, Steinbeck states that â€Å"Her words tumbled out in passion of communication as though she hurried before her listener could be taken away†This links to her desperation for someone to talk to and how she yearns for some sort of interaction. Curleys wife dream makes her more vulnerable and human. Steinbeck recreates this impression by portraying her innocence in death.Steinbeck uses very specific language when describing how Curleys wife was murdered by Lennie. In this extract we see ho w she underestimated Lennie’s great strength and this is proven when she says â€Å"Jus’ like a big baby†, we as readers know he is capable of murder and we know he is anything but a big baby adding to the tension. Steinbeck does give us a moment of hope when he remembers his Aunt Clara who he has occasionally forgotten, this gives us hope that he will remember Georges warnings on Curleys wife but this isn’t the case.Curleys wife invites Lennie to feel her hair after hearing about his love of stroking soft things and she soon realises her mistake when she goes â€Å"Don’t you muss it up†and when Lennie refuses to let go she cries â€Å"let go†â€Å"you let go†the use of these short sentences lets us realise her panic. Steinbeck declares how she â€Å"writhed to be free†this could really mean how she ached to be free of the ranch and of Curley.Then when he adds how â€Å"her hoarse cry came out†it creates a ma jor contrast to when she wasn’t heard by the men and when her voice is needed the most she is being stifled. He even mentions how her â€Å"eyes were wild with terror†, they aren’t being described with being heavily made up. When Curleys wife is killed Steinbeck ensures the readers sympathy for Lennie is maintained. The reader sees the killing as an inevitable consequence of Lennie’s bear-like strength and Curleys wife’s desire for attention.The use of the simile â€Å"and he shook her and her body flopped like a fish†creates an unsympathetic image, further emphasised with the alliterative â€Å"f†, as we tend not to feel sorry for dying fish in the way we may for a different animal. The sympathy the reader may feel for Curleys wife is weakened with â€Å"and she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck†as this seems harsh. This tone reminds the reader that Lennie would not have wanted to break her neck it was just something that happened so, even though he has committed a terrible act, the reader does not fully blame Lennie.The repetition of the natural imagery, including the clear link to the animalistic imagery when Curleys hand was crushed as he â€Å"flopped like a fish on a line†, both links Curley and his wife as the enemy, but also reminds the reader of Lennie’s early description as a bear, reiterated with his â€Å"paw†-like hands throughout the novel. Because of this, it seems clear that this was both inevitable and natural as bears do kill fish, and Steinbeck could be highlighting the predatory nature of the world; it could also suggest that Steinbeck was trying to show the constancy of the natural world and Lennie is just another victim in this world.However when Curleys wife is dead Steinbeck seems to show her the respect she deserves as his description of Curleys wife after her death is evidently more complimentary than previous occasions. He starts by saying â€Å"T he meanness and the planning and the discontent and the aches for attention was all gone from her face†this straight away lets us realise that only from her death we see the other side to her, the side that was unhappy with her marriage and her life, her incomplete dream and the constant craving for a companion and all this because of her death simply disappears.Steinbeck also uses words such as â€Å"sweet and young†to project Curleys wife more positively as a pretty, young woman, free of all mean qualities. This contrasts to the other times he referred to her as a â€Å"girl†because this time he is reflecting her purity rather than her childlike features. When he says â€Å"Now her rouged lips and her reddened cheeks made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly†it shows us what her life could have been like if she were to have completed it to its full potential. The way Steinbeck portrays her now is a lot more poetic showing his respect.In my conclu sion I think Steinbeck manages to portray two sides to Curleys Wife in the book Of Mice and Men. The first side is the misunderstood girl who isn’t trusted and her need for company and a friend is mistaken for a flirtatious troublemaker. However at the end of the novel Steinbeck makes her intentions clear and shares her dream of becoming a Hollywood movie star giving the readers the chance to see the vulnerable side of her, the one that shows her as not wanting but needing somebody to talk to.The need for such things is what caused her death. Lennie was keeping her company and she needed this so much that she was willing to let him harm her, and in this case kill her. Steinbeck also shows her differently in death as well. He gives Curleys wife respect and describes her as being beautiful and majorly contrasts the provocative way he did beforehand.
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